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  • Nif Nif - sortira le 1er avril sur Nintendo Switch
    Un jeu conçu pour tous, y compris les joueurs neurodivergents Inspiré par le fils autiste de la directrice du jeu, Nif Nif vise à offrir une expérience de jeu accueillante et positive où les enfants peuvent explorer, apprendre et grandir dans un environnement non violent qui encourage des... see more
  • METAL EDEN le 6 mai sur PS5, Xbox Series X|S et PC
    Une guerre cybernétique ! METAL EDEN est un FPS de science-fiction électrisant qui vous plongera dans un monde où l'humanité a abandonné son corps physique pour transférer sa conscience dans des machines. Avec 8 missions uniques et un univers minutieusement conçu, le jeu vous entraîne dans... see more
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man🕷️✨
    I’d like to share my thoughts on Spectacular Spider-Man, the show I watched when I was young, and I just finished the first season. Honestly, this show isn’t just a cartoon to me—it’s a part of my childhood and memories that I’ll never forget. The stories and events in the show are full of... see more
  • SteamWorld Heist II : Edition Physique le 10 avril sur Switch et PS5
    Rien ne va plus sur les vagues ; une crise de l'eau se profile à l'horizon ! Étrangement, cette précieuse ressource est devenue mortelle et rouille les membres métalliques et les cœurs mécaniques. En tant que légendaire Captain Leeway, c'est à vous et à votre équipage de steambots bigarrés de... see more
  • FANTASY LIFE i - le 21 mai sur la Nintendo Switch
    bjr tt le monde Entamez une vie fantastique sur une île désolée et embarquez pour une grande aventure dans le passé ! Faites-vous des amis, fabriquez des objets et construisez votre propre ville ! Un tout nouvel opus de la série Fantasy Life ! Construisez votre propre ville et partez à... see more
  • سبايدر مان والذكريات اللي بترجع معاه 🕷️✨
    النهارده حابب أشارككم رأيي في Spectacular Spider-Man، المسلسل اللي سمعته وأنا صغير، ولسه مخلص الموسم الأول منه. بصراحة، المسلسل ده مش مجرد كارتون بالنسبة لي، ده جزء من طفولتي وذكرياتي اللي مابتنساش. القصص والأحداث في المسلسل بتكون مليانة تشويق وعمق و الرسوم المتحركة والحركات القتالية فيه جامدة... see more
  • Nouvelle mise à jour du Bios Légion GO (14/02/2025)
    Bonjour tout le monde ! Nouvelle mise à jour du Bios pour la Legion GO. 1.Base on BIOS36. 2.Update AMD PI 3.Add CVE-2024-1298 patch. see more
  • Women’s Day Special Podcast: Ask your Questions to our #HerLegion Clan leaders!
    Great to see the podcast back! I've got two questions for our clan leaders: Many content creators have mentioned experiencing a surge in viewership during the COVID era. Do you ever find yourself wondering, purely hypothetically (and god forbid, not wishing for another crisis 😭), whether a... see more
  • Exceptional games✨
    If the word 'vibes' were a video game, it would be Kingdom Hearts 2. To this day, no other game has captured its mystique and impeccable ambiance. It’s the game that truly got me hooked on gaming 😄 @Aapje Planescape always comes up when I read about games similar to Disco Elysium (which is... see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    @DoctorEldritch Oh yeah, I’ve only heard good things about the game. Really want to play this and Dredge 😄 @GoLLuM13 This is so infuriating 😖 It’s only a matter of time before they shut down the PS4 emulation project too. God they’ve made so many anti-consumer moves this generation. I really... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @ZaidHi was googling them a bit, and saw that the company is now back up...and hiring :o see more
  • Read the OXO Video Game Museum interview!
    Would be likelier to visit a museum like this than what they have here locally 😆 see more
  • FAQs: General Community info
    @QueenTomato hello, i would like to delete my account please? I rly dont understand y i cant delete it myself ;-; Thank u! see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch Oooh good to know! The "survival" aspects in the game look kinda intimidating, but hopefully playing it will make everything click. @Telomina Lols yeah, ZA/UM is the very embodiment of a nasty separation. Good call on not reading about it yesterday 😂 see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @DoctorEldritch A shame indeed. I really hope none of this mess made it into Infinite Wealth and that RGG Studio was just dipping its toes into a new system. The saddest part is that financial reports show Sony’s approach is actually profitable 😓 see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    Let's gooooooo💨❤️💨 see more
  • Petite présentation
    Bonjour et bienvenue à toi dans la communauté ! see more
  • GAMING LAPTOP del 2025
    Grande @Lascax ! non avevo visto le novità dei portatili di quest'anno, ma hai fatto di più di una panoramica, ma anxhe spiegato i punti nuovi e e quelli forti. Bravissimo! L'unica grande nota dolente che sto osservando sono i prezzi stellari 🤔 see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Hippocampe --> Hippopotame see more
  • Exceptional games✨
    I have great memories of Planescape Torment, which has top tier story telling that is very rare to find. see more