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  • [GAME] Crossword Marvel !
    @ramax Thank you for this! 6 is Ironman, I think. And also, can I be a pedant for the lore? see more
  • Come sta la vostra schiena?
    Io da adolescente ho avuto problemi di schiena a causa del PC e ho scoperto una scoliosi lombare, da allora sono almeno 15 anni che sto sempre seduto bene, ovvero con la schiena poggiata, le piante dei piedi a terra e il monitor abbastanza inclinato/sollevato da essere allineato alla cervicale,... see more
  • A2RL - Primera competición de monoplazas autónomos
    @YeiCov 😮😂 Pero esto es como el Mario Kart en físico pero jugando siempre contra la IA, ¿no? 2 millones de premio, ¡¡la virgen!! habrá otros sitios donde poner este dinero 😅 Me ha recordado a "los autos locos" (soapbox race) de Redbull (pero con menos creatividad🤣) see more
  • Kendo
    @Saka Is it something visual? For example, if a blue or red belt holders come across a blackbelter, then everyone would easily understand who has more experience or is a better fighter (or at least passed the requisites to get that belt). But if a black belt holder of the, for example, the second... see more
  • [GAME] Crossword Marvel !
    @Kaywen Good ! see more
  • How is your lower back?
    Hello everyone! Today I would like to highlight how important is for us to remember to take care of our posture when we stay hours at the pc working/gaming. Do you know that we should keep precise angles and distances and that we should take a 2-minute walk every 30 minutes? How much... see more
  • Kwietniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    @Aaricia Wszystkim Gratuluję i dziękuję za wyróżnienie 🤗 see more
  • Hargrave Gratis [STEAM]
    Hola @halonfire Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, ¿te gustan este tipo de plataformas? A mi este video me recuerda a las máquinas recreativas, y como tal, me genera mucha nostalgia, jejej see more
  • Dołącz do naszej społeczności i zgarnij koszulkę - druga edycja!
    @Aaricia jakim kurierem wysyłka bo nie mam żadnego e-mail niestety :( see more
  • Come sta la vostra schiena?
    Oggi parliamo di salute, per la precisione vi voglio chiedere quanta attenzione prestiate alla vostra postura quando state al pc per lavorare o giocare! Immagino sappiate che bisognerebbe mantenere determinati angoli e distante e che è consigliato alzarsi spesso! Io purtroppo in una scala da 1 a 10... see more
  • [GAME] Crossword Marvel !
    @ramax ok ​​​​​​​6: Ironman? ​​​ see more
  • GIOCHIAMO A: "E la prossima parola é..."
    @GLaDOS Carattere ==> Introverso see more
  • [JEU] Crossword Marvel !
    @GoLLuM13 le prochain sera plus difficile :) là c’était pour voir si y a de la participation see more
  • GIOCHIAMO A: "E la prossima parola é..."
    @Kaywen Impaziente -> Carattere see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    fleur -> Pétale see more
  • Kwietniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    🥈🏆😎 ...a ja tam lubię srebro 😉 Pozdrawiam wszystkich zaangażowanych w tworzenie społeczności PL LEGION ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ see more
  • A TV potpourri
    @Saka Ah, well, sometimes you just can't help it... Yeah, Netflix exclusive. And I hear they may raise the subscription prices this year again, too, in addition to the increase you mentioned before. But hopefully, it is just a rumour. Still, it may be good to note this one down for when you do... see more
  • Kwietniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    Brawo MY! see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    --> Potager --> fleur see more
  • Nintendo Switch 2
    salut tt le monde La Nintendo SWITCH 2 sera officiellement dévoilée durant cette année fiscale se terminant en mars 2025. je vais surement l acheter. see more