• A couple of new releases!
    Not played a tower defence game in a while. Never tried the first Defender's Quest either so no connection to this series. Looks kinda interesting but not at a price of 17 euros sadly. see more
  • GTA 6 قربت جدًا! 🔥
    وفقًا لمقابلة محذوفة مع مايك يورك، الأنيميتور السابق في روكستار جيمز، GTA 6 غالبًا بقت قابلة للعب بالكامل! 👀 يعني اللعبة دلوقتي في مرحلة النهائي والتحسينات! إحنا قررررربنا جدًا! متحمسين؟ 🚗💨 see more
  • [GAMEPASS]: Febrero 2025
    @Quimct Pues precisamente de carreras nunca hemos jugado!! ¿tienes alguna preferencia (que no sea el Mario Kart, jejeje)? Y los zombies no están permitidos en las GameTogether españolas, que a Jackie le dan miedo... : ( (aunque un día que no pueda venir podríamos probar Plantas VS Zombies: Save... see more
  • GTA VI is almost ready!
    According to a now-deleted interview with former Rockstar Games animator Mike York, GTA 6 is likely in a fully playable state. 👀 That means the game is deep in final polish and optimization! We are almoooost there. How hyped are you? 🚗💨 see more
  • Najpiękniejsze przyjaźnie w grach
    Na końcu przygody to Chel i GladOS w pewnym sensie się zaprzyjaźniają. Albo inaczej - żegnają się jak stare przyjaciółki. No i w Fable 2 pies przyjaciel. A no i Ochłap też może być przyjacielem, co nie @Prywatny ? Najpiękniejsza z tych trzech to Fable 2 i pies przyjaciel. Tam w czasie... see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out!
    @korowiof I want to play it, but I will wait for GOTY, they have content DLCs planned for the whole year. see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out!
    @Telomina That's good advice, it is useful to see actual gameplay as a part of the review. I know there's been that little issue with the Eurogamer review, and Metacritic score, so seeing someone actually play is probably more illustrative than reading about it or looking att he score, even if you... see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Ton -> masa see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - A Medieval Epic Returns
    It's getting great reviews so far. Very similar in feel to the first game apparently, but much better graphics. see more
  • كمبيوتر الاحلام!
    @mohamed_5090 😂😂😂 انا مش قادرة احدد حتى ميزانية تقريبية للsetup بتاع @MustafaM7moud 😂😂 see more
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows Under Fire… Over a Watermelon? 🍉
    @Jonsee87 True..I guess we just have to wait and see, yeah? see more
  • Grab RPG Maker VX Ace while it's free!
    @SKYTRiXSHA The style could probably not be replicated that well in those engines, though. The best you could hope for is some version of chibi-styled birds, I guess... see more
  • Grab RPG Maker VX Ace while it's free!
    @Telomina Who knows, I don't know how To The Moon started, maybe too as a "3-month hobby plan". Maybe you'll be the next ConcernedApe 😉 see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Véhicule --> Char see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Conduite --> Véhicule see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Conduit --> Conduite see more
  • First clips of the new Battlefield
    I don't care about looking it realistic. Give the players a game without game breaking bugs, a smooth gameplay where you don't need to have 1000$ GPU to run it and more than 4 maps to play on. But yeah it's pre alpha so it's basically a sketch atm see more
  • Uelàh, ragazzuoli!!
    @Sarkhan cambia tantissimo, solo così ti rendi conto della marea assurda di dettagli su ogni piccola cosa! Per me è il gioco più bello in assoluto (e gioco dagli anni '80, da Pong, Intellivision, C64 e così via), l'ho iniziato su Ps4 Pro al day one, dopo 500 ore mi sono fatto il PC per giocarlo... see more