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  • Nuovo monitor - quale prendere? (mi servono consigli)
    @SirLongoVZ sicuro non diminuisca la qualità visiva? see more
    @SirLongoVZ sono curioso di vedere che prezzi avranno le schede rog et simili! see more
  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    @DracoTarot yeah honestly Magic for me is just playing the game, I do not care about collecting or making money out of it! I will be just happy to have 4 good decks and that is it! while Pokemon is the opposite, I do not play it, but I like to collect some of them! see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina That is indeed what happened, I tried watching it for the first time, I dunno, maybe 3 or 4 years ago? And then it did not click. But I want to say age alone is not always a factor, I mean, Yes, Minister is much older than that, but it can still give modern sitcoms a run for their money.... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Jeux --> Plateau see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    Perso j'ai le filtre actif la nuit et bof, bon oui c'est - blanc mais cela te tue quand même les yeux . see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    That, they do get too 😅 Some codes here, some codes there, codes for everyone! Often when a new game launches that I get extra codes. But sometimes I get also from play-testing for companies. I can share it, tadaaa. ooh, actually, "bring your goat to work day" sounds like fun. I should do... see more
  • كمبيوتر الاحلام!
    @Khloud ربنا يكرمك بيه إن شاء الله ولباقي الأعضاء ! ❤️✨💙🌸 see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    @Alpha75 plot twist, certains scientifiques sont revenus sur l'histoire de la lumière bleue disant que c'est nuancé (surtout qu'on a le filtre dans les OS modernes) Perso, je pense que tant qu'on se fait plaisir et que le moyen utilisé nous plait c'est win see more
  • Epic Games : "Apex Legends™ : Bundle de déblocage gratuit (Loba)" et "F1® Manager 2024"
    Pour la semaine du 13 au 20 février, Epic Games nous offrira les jeux "Apex Legends™ : Bundle de déblocage gratuit (Loba)" et "F1® Manager 2024" >>Apex Legends™ : Bundle de déblocage gratuit (Loba)<< Procurez-vous le bundle de déblocage gratuit de Loba et lancez-vous dans Apex Legends -... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Enfant --> Jeux see more
  • Welcome to the 📖 Legion Book Club 📖
    @ZaidH George Mikes has other such observation, the tea may be one of the best, though. How to be an Alien is a good book 😊 see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Yesterday was the anticipated State of Play Livestream that showed a few upcoming releases. Check it out: Here it is in its entirety, almost 5 hours. Too long? Here is an edited version: That's under an hour. Still too long? Have a six and a half minutes digest of... see more
  • Wywiad z Muzeum Gier Wideo OXO w Maladze
    Hej wszystkim! Kilka tygodni temu nasza @CandelaSynth miała przyjemność porozmawiać z Álvaro García Daza, kierownikiem ds. komunikacji Muzeum Gier Wideo OXO, na temat otwarcia nowej strefy kulturalnej w Madrycie. Oprócz tego przed wywiadem miała też możliwość zwiedzić muzeum w Maladze wraz z... see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    @Telomina Being spoilt is nice indeed 😊 Well, if not right now, maybe you can stock up for the future? You can get games in bulk but spread the spoiling throughout the whole year. Not sure how that works, though 🤔 Ah can you share it? And,m I thought in one of the recent updates you could work... see more
  • A few new releases!
    That reminded me of an old song: Aww, you charmer 😊 Ah, what even is ordinary? If we just had that, we'd have nothing to put in history or science books. One may even argue there is no such thing, everyone has different interests. So long as it's safe and responsible, I'd say you do you. see more
  • Atomfall released a new trailer!
    @DracoTarot They position it as more "British Fallout", though it is a bit tricky because "London Fallout" sort of claimed that title. Half-Life, how so? There is no invasion (or so it would seem) or special gun or suit. The crowbar makes an appearance, and I am not sure if the main character talks... see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DracoTarot At least as far as upgrades go, you got the monitor covered 😊 But it may not be as bad as all that, many good games these days use pixel style that is rather undemanding. Until Then comes to mind, or Dave the Diver. Or if you're after something more recent, Centrum will come out in a... see more