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  • Grudniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    Hej wszystkim! Zdałam sobie sprawę, że opublikowaliśmy co prawda Tabelę Medalową za rok 2024, ale jakiś cudem umknęła nam Tabela Grudniowa. Przedstawiamy więc spóźnioną Grudniową Tabelę Medalową! Wielkie brawa dla zwycięzców🎉 1 🥇@Omar1996 ze społeczności Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki👏 2 🥈... see more
  • Museo OXO dei Videogame - Intervista
    Ciao Legionari! È il momento di un'altra intervista! All'inizio di quest'anno, la nostra @CandelaSynth ha avuto il piacere di parlare con Álvaro García Daza, responsabile delle comunicazioni dell'OXO Video Game Museum, parlando dell'apertura di un nuovo spazio culturale a Madrid. Leggi! Da... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 1er Fevrier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 30 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • Do you like scrapbooks?
    Hello Legion Gamers! This Valentine's Day, a rather interesting game was announced, and from a rather unexpected people. Known for their psychologic horror Ikai (this could be of interest to you @DracoTarot 😉), the Endflame studio announced that they are working on a new game called Instants... see more
  • Światowy Dzień Kota 🐱
    Hej wszystkim! Dziś obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Kota - jednego z najukochańszych zwierząt (dzikich lub domowych 😀). Z tej okazji podzielmy się raz jeszcze zdjęciami swoich ukochanych pupili lub też kotów, które są Waszym zdaniem najpiękniejsze. Na powyższym zdjęciu co prawda nie mój, ale dawno... see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    yeeeeeeeh 🔥🔥🔥 see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch Once a week sounds like a good upkeep. Yeah, I don't. I moved so often for a decade, I've been slowly building up the things in my current- long term-apartment. But I have also tried to do a minimal of items, besides tech. Is there perhaps a thread about practical tea-kettle... see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    ser -> głupi see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @DoctorEldritch Ooof, that’s unfortunate. I wonder if things would have been different if Nagoshi was still at the helm of RGG Studio. By the way, he’s been very active on Twitter lately, posting his workout and cat pics, and occasionally answering fan questions. Gut feeling says his game reveal is... see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    @DoctorEldritch Agreed 100%. I think I'll wait for the Dave the Diver DLC you mentioned before getting the game. On the topic of State of Play, it's worth noting that Shuhei Yoshida, the person who spearheaded PlayStation’s indie games division, recently retired. I was very fortunate to... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina That’s not too surprising, considering they’ve announced they’re working on Disco Elysium 2. The problem is, all the key figures at the studio, most notably Robert Kurvitz, the creator of Disco Elysium's world, have gone their separate ways. There’s a good chance none of them will be... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina And there is a scrapbook-themed game coming up, in case you like making those 😊 see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    Haberme avisado que para cacerías sueltas estaba disponible ^^, Arkveld es un combate muy chulo la verdad, yo a la segunda solo lo deje cojeando solamente y ya pase de el pues queria dedicarme mas al creador de personaje y otras tareas que tengo XD. Ademas me he pegado una buena empachada en los... see more
  • Atomfall released a new trailer!
    @iuiu Maybe it's because the setting is less known? Fallout is a post-apocalypse scenario taken into a farce overdrive and is now very recognizable, and Stalker builds on the Chornobyl disaster, arguably the most well-known nuclear meltdown in human history (plus, to a degree, from Strugatskys... see more
  • La vostra playlist musicale da gaming!
    @Lascax domani mattina me le ascolto allora, poi ti dico! see more
  • GAMING LAPTOP del 2025
    fai bene, aumenti la reach! see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Promesse --> Foi see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina I wipe my mouse about once a week with an alcohol wipe, and that's about it. It is constructed in such a way that it does not really need any more thorough cleaning as it has no places that'd get dirty apart from the surface. You do not own a kettle? Gasp. Why not? If proper ones are... see more