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  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DracoTarot How do remasters run on it? I hear that requirements can vary greatly for those. see more
  • Check out the latest Gothic 1 Remake visuals!
    @DracoTarot I'd say it may depend on how they do it. If Demo is, for example, Chapter 1 of the game and allows the save to be transferred into full release when it comes out, then I'd be up for trying it out. But if it is a more generic mashup and you'll need to start a new game in full release,... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch About the humor, I believe it might be a bit darker than my most common jrpgs I've played. Parks & Recreations was such a fun show, I didn't remember this part, but I can agree with them, that looks like a great apartment. Only thing missing is a big gaming desk. There was... see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    Oh my, that's an old one you got there. Nostalgia trip... I don't know, sci-fi may work for such games well enough too, I'd say. Mythics does bring a certain je ne sais quoi, Lovecraftian especially, but sci-fi has a lot of interesting options too, and is perhaps better suited for more social... see more
  • Cómo elimino la cuenta?
    @Josu99 @Edmundo Borradas han sido see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    I thought that one was still in Early Access? Do we know when it is planning to full release yet? see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    @Telomina Ah, so it is more about the joy of being a pirate ruler and beating those swashbuckling sea dogs into shape and building a pirate utopia, (an aspiration worthy of Blackbeard himself) and damned be the genres that allow us to do it 😅 I myself prefer Tropico for social commentary for... see more
  • GAMING LAPTOP del 2025
    Dopo due settimane ( e oltre ) di raccolta di informazioni, finalmente ecco l'ultimo video con le informazioni dal CES 2025 col mio punto forte: i GAMING LAPTOP. Ho raccolto informazioni su decine di componenti hardware e soprattutto di modelli dei vari marchi, suddividendo in capitoli il video... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina one way to have a peaceful nap is to make an offering to Dlul before dozing off 😉 Hmm, maybe it is more that they are attempting to match the JRPG humour? It is often a bit like what you describe, sort of 🤔 Your account about blankets made me remember this bit from the Parks &... see more
  • Une aventure à travers deux mondes
    Alors, de quoi s'agit-il ? Eh bien, connectez-vous aux diffusions en direct plus tard dans la journée et demain pour le savoir. La version un peu plus longue est que nous avons pensé qu'il serait amusant de proposer à nos différentes communautés un certain nombre de défis dans un monde... see more
  • مرحبا ايش افضل اعدادت ليوفو اي كيو اي 7 جيل 13 كرت 4060
    الإعدادات بتكون من خلال تخصيص إعدادات الويندوز لما تثبت الويندوز لأول مره زي فتح موقع GPS وإرسال تقارير وغيره للشركه وإعدادات تاني ! و معاك برنامج Lenovo Vantage بيجي مع لابتوبات لينوڤو وتقدر تحسن تجربتك من خلاله ! see more
  • Meme jeux vidéos !
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  • Magic The Gathering salta a la pantalla
    @eljjota Anda, ¿y la vendiste al final/le sacaste pasta? 🤑 ​​​​​​​ Pues yo no soy muy amiga de las adaptaciones, o más bien, de la transformación que ha habido en la última década de adaptar una idea de un formato a otro al "imperio de las IPs" (Intellectual Properties). Los gigantes del... see more
  • انا اشتريت loq15 و المفروض بيبقي معاه game pass و انا مش لاقيه في الاستور اعمل اي دلوقتي
    جرب تفتحه من خلال قائمة إبدء فالبحث تكتب Xbox و هيفتح معاك وجرب تحمله من متجر store إذا مش لاقيه خالص فالويندوز ! see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 23 Janvier
    2016 : 8 employés du musée égyptien du Caire poursuivis pour avoir recollé la barbe de Toutankhamon avec une colle inappropriée : je ne vois pas le soucis ! see more
  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    @Sarkhan When it comes to getting rid of things it's not easy for me. It took a while to collect all the cards and they were rarely available here. I want to hold on to them and see how rare they become then sell them off in the future. 😊 see more
  • Try Green Hell for free this weekend!
    @DoctorEldritch It's hard. 😐 see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 21 Janvier
    Une tempête de neige historique frappe l'extrême sud des États-Unis en 2025, la Louisiane et certaines parties du Texas émettant leurs tout premiers avertissements de blizzard : des accumulations de neige record en Louisiane et en Floride+ les incendies, pas rigolo pour les USA see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 22 Janvier
    1472 La grande comète de 1471 (C/1471 Y1) devient la comète la plus proche des temps modernes, s'approchant à 10 millions de kilomètres de la Terre : on a frôler la catastrophe !! :D (la lune est a 440.000km de nous, pour se donner une idée). see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Projecteur --> Réalisateur see more