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  • Światowy Dzień Kota 🐱
    Hej wszystkim! Dziś obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Kota - jednego z najukochańszych zwierząt (dzikich lub domowych 😀). Z tej okazji podzielmy się raz jeszcze zdjęciami swoich ukochanych pupili lub też kotów, które są Waszym zdaniem najpiękniejsze. Na powyższym zdjęciu co prawda nie mój, ale dawno... see more
  • Freedom Wars (de libertad tiene el título)
    Freedom Wars salió el mes pasado en un port para PC. Es un juego de acción y combate en tercera persona, lanzado para PlayStation Vita en 2014. La historia está ambientada en un futuro distópico donde la humanidad está luchando por sobrevivir después de que la Tierra se haya convertido en un lugar... see more
  • Hallo!😉
    Hallo!😁 I'm the dwarvenmancave I'm new here. i live in the republic of south africa my fav foods are biltong and pancakes. i don't drink tea or coffee and i am currently playing stellaris and Rimworld. see more
  • Lenovo legion go Moniteur extern
    hello everyone!!! i bought a lenovo legion go with a station, i want to add an external monitor (pc screen), and when i connect my hdmi to my station, the screen detects something and puts me no signal after.... anyone have an idea? thanks in advance ​​​​​​​thx a lot guys :) see more
  • I am new here .
    Hello. see more
  • Do you like scrapbooks?
    Hello Legion Gamers! This Valentine's Day, a rather interesting game was announced, and from a rather unexpected people. Known for their psychologic horror Ikai (this could be of interest to you @DracoTarot 😉), the Endflame studio announced that they are working on a new game called Instants... see more
  • I crossover nel gaming
    Ciao a tutti, vi spiego subito i titoli: pensate a tutte le collaborazioni che Fortnite ha fatto ad esempio con Marvel, DragonBall, Naruto e molti altri, lo stesso sta succedendo su Call of Duty, ad esempio ora puoi avere la skin delle TARTARUGHE NINJA sul codice... beh, il mio amato gioco... see more
  • Avowed is out today! Here is all I got!
    Hello Legion Gamers! After a period of press release and premium access, Avowed is out today for all to play! This is a new game from Obsidian, quite well received so far. I as usual will be waiting for the DLC plans to be announced, but for those who may want to play it already, here are a few... see more
  • Crossovers in Gaming
    Hello everyone, let me explain the title straight away: think about all the collaborations that Fortnite has made for example with Marvel, DragonBall, Naruto, and many more, the same is happening on Call of Duty, for example, now you can have THE NINJA TURTLES skin on code... well, my... see more
  • [Demo Steam] Dragonkin: The Banished
    Bonjour tout le monde ! Si vous voulez essayer un nouveau Hack'n'Slash la démo de Dragonkin: The Banished vient de sortir sur Steam. Dans Dragonkin : The Banished, plongez dans un monde corrompu par le sang de dragons, où des créatures maléfiques émergent des entrailles de la ... see more
  • Gamestop veut se séparer de es magasins en europe.
    Bonjour tout le monde ! GameStop recherche aujourd’hui un potentiel acquéreur pour reprendre la marque Micromania-Zing ainsi que la gestion des magasins français. On ne sait pas encore les conséquence réel et/ou le futur repreneur. Quand pensez-vous pour le futur des magasins? see more
  • Graphic designing service.
    Hi anyone need a graphic designing service? see more
  • Zapraszamy na 9-tą edycję Turnieju Fortnite!
    Hej wszystkim! Mam dla Was znakomite wieści - Wasz ulubiony Turniej Fortnite powraca po raz 9ty! Jak zwykle prowadzony będzie przez naszego wspaniałego gospodarza @hajtv i komentowany przez gościa specjalnego @Kamstar ! Tym razem oprócz nagród za podium w turnieju mamy dla Was także nagrody... see more
  • UNBOXING The Skyrim Library
    Finalmente, dopo la fiumana Tech di notizie novità dal CES 2025, posso pubblicare l'Unboxing del mio auto-regalo di Natale: The Skyrim Library! Un MUST HAVE per ogni fan non solo di Skyrim, ma anche in generale degli Elder Scrolls, poichè raccoglie i libri sparsi nel gioco in un comodo formato... see more
  • No puedo cambiar TDPs
    @LilySensei Claaaro que si, para eso estamos 💪 Por cierto @Dyedra ¿solucionaste el problema? 🤔 see more
  • Feliz día de San Valentín
    Alguien tenía que hacerlo...🤣 see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    @Blackgem No le eché ninguna foto a mi querida CandyFloss ni a Cucufato, su fiel palio 😭 En fin...quedará en mi recuerdo. Y si, se me da bien darle a sacos de boxeo XD XD Andaaaa, Avowed,¡¡es verdad!! (pre) instalando ahora mesmo : ) (Vi que ya habían miles de reseñas por internet, pero no... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch I guess I am out of excuses now, haha. I have always just boiled water in a pot on a stove-top. Is there any scientific studies that kettle boiled water is better for tea (when the water in itself is safe), I can't help but wonder now. Well, in that case I do like it. If anyone... see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    @UnapologeticDino oooh can't wait it's been a while!!! ughh I wish I could participate in the gaming but its okay I'll just watch and cheer on meshal see more