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  • GAMING LAPTOP del 2025
    @Sarkhan Grazie! Sto cercando continuamente di abbassare il registro tecnico proprio per arrivare a più persone, quindi sono lieto di questa impressione! - - - Aggiornato - - - @Flobulo Grazie! Spero che ti siano proprio utili le mie ricerche raccolte in video! Sui prezzi, basandomi sul... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 1er Fevrier
    En 2025, le président américain Donald Trump annonce des droits de douane de 25 % sur le Canada et le Mexique et de 10 % sur la Chine, suscitant des craintes d'une guerre commerciale. Je ne suis pas totalement contre des frais de douane de pays étranger. Je prend l'exemple des tomates ou des... see more
  • Petite présentation
    @Heropon Zelda m'a envouté. J'avais même imprimé la map sur 40 page A4 etendu dans le salon pour cocher tout ce que j'ai fait see more
  • Nouvelle mise à jour du Bios Légion GO (14/02/2025)
    Je crois que je n'ai jamais fait de mise à jours, ou alors juste les premiers jours :D see more
  • Feliz día de San Valentín
    @JonShepard 😂😁 Me ha recordado a la famosa canción "Ballantine´s como forma de vida" XD XD Poco carricoche esa noche....pero al menos, siempre nos quedarán los videojuegos... ejem 🙄 😝 @Inyeon jajajajaj, te estaba reservando el honor 🤣 Pobre Sam, todo el día con la lengua fuera cargando las... see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    eksperymenty -> szczury see more
  • Grudniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    Lucky seven 😎 see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    I imagined they may have hired Brad from the Mythic Quest sitcom: 😅 see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    @ZaidH I finished Dredge again a few weeks back, now that it had the Iron Rig DLC. It is a good game, though it does get a bit repetitive middle-to-end. Dave the Diver is awesome, and while it may get a bit repetitive too, it is colourful and vibrant and it keeps you going. Same for Drege, now that... see more
  • Museo OXO dei Videogame - Intervista
    Ciao Legionari! È il momento di un'altra intervista! All'inizio di quest'anno, la nostra @CandelaSynth ha avuto il piacere di parlare con Álvaro García Daza, responsabile delle comunicazioni dell'OXO Video Game Museum, parlando dell'apertura di un nuovo spazio culturale a Madrid. Leggi! Da... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Oiseau --> Pépiement @GoLLuM13 bravo ! see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Plumes --> Oiseau Page 1000 🤩 see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Goudron --> Plumes Edit : naaaaaaaaaaaaaan je voulais faire la page 1000 😭 see more
  • Petite présentation
    Hey bienvenue dans la meilleure communauté fançaise ! Je suis aussi fan de JRPG (quels sont tes préférés ?) et de consoles portables, et je comprends que tu baves devant la Go ! Je compte toujours sur @OursGarou pour mettre mes mains dessus 😁 Même si les dernières bidouilles sur Steam Deck... see more
  • Grudniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    Hej wszystkim! Zdałam sobie sprawę, że opublikowaliśmy co prawda Tabelę Medalową za rok 2024, ale jakiś cudem umknęła nam Tabela Grudniowa. Przedstawiamy więc spóźnioną Grudniową Tabelę Medalową! Wielkie brawa dla zwycięzców🎉 1 🥇@Omar1996 ze społeczności Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki👏 2 🥈... see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    Not my game, but good luck to those who participate! see more
  • Feliz día de San Valentín
    Bueno como no lo ha puesto nadie me veo en la obligación imperiosa de ponerlo, quería darle a otro el honor pero este jamás puede faltar, sino perderemos las tradiciones. Feliz San Valentín a todos. see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DracoTarot Well, flexibility aside, there is only so much you can upgrade before you need to change the core, I guess. It's been so long since I had a stationary PC... I am a bit wary of this game myself, I do not mind creepy games, but the "chase" mechanic is not that enjoyable for me. But if... see more
  • Try Green Hell for free this weekend!
    @DracoTarot That is an odd system, never heard about it being done quite like that... Maybe the patch changed the game so much that it had to be downloaded again? Although, having a game that is that big is a feat in itself, none of the games that I played ever went over 200GB, I think, and even... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DracoTarot That is the common way. One can only hope that mosquitoes never learn survival from cockroaches and adapt to live in all temperatures, that would be potentially disastrous 😅 Foldable ones are not too bad depending on what their goal is. If they're just there to provide a bit of... see more