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  • Steam is having the Storyteller's Festival 2025!
    @Telomina I have not started that yet, I just have it 😅 Thank you for the Copycat vote of confidence! see more
  • Steam is having the Storyteller's Festival 2025!
    Copycat is played and completed! Can highly recommend 🤗 But I need to complete Until Then​​​​​​​. see more
  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @Telomina So, how was it? Did you enjoy yourself? 😊 see more
  • Ale Abbey is in Early Access! How about some brewing?
    Hello Legion Gamers! A lot is happening today: Avowed is out, and the Storyteller's Festival 2025 is in swing. But we must not forget smaller, simpler things as well. Like brewing Ale 😉 Or, more specifically, running a medieval abbey that brews it. This is what the new game called Ale Abey is... see more
  • Games with Prime
    Un altro titolo gratis: see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @TrendaTen Monitoring pod NAS to jeden z najlepszych użytków tego rozwiązania w domu, ale to nadal dodatkowe babranie się. Jednak nadal uważam, że nikt z casuali nie będzie się w to bawił. see more
  • HER LEGION Prize is Finally Here: Lenovo Legion R25f-30 Monitor impressions!
    congratulations bro 🎉🎉 about the stand,can it move the screen up and down and to the sides? see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Horror -> ucieczka see more
  • Światowy Dzień Kota 🐱
    @Marcelek Hmm czy jest u nas coś takiego jak PETA , albo jakaś służba ochrony zwierząt? Sama nie wiem, musiałabym też googlować 🤔 see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Marcelek @TrendaTen to ja chyba jestem Andżelika i Jadwiga zsumowana 😂 Ale także boję się nakleić folię ochronną na mój telefon 🤣 see more
  • Steam is having the Storyteller's Festival 2025!
    Hello Legion Gamers! The Couch Co-Op Fest 2025 on Steam is over (although the EGS winter sale is not, yet 😉) so it is time for something new. As luck would have it, Two and a Half Studios is hosting the Storyteller's Festival 2025! This one is all about games with narrative as a main... see more
  • UNBOXING The Skyrim Library
    Finalmente, dopo la fiumana Tech di notizie novità dal CES 2025, posso pubblicare l'Unboxing del mio auto-regalo di Natale: The Skyrim Library! Un MUST HAVE per ogni fan non solo di Skyrim, ma anche in generale degli Elder Scrolls, poichè raccoglie i libri sparsi nel gioco in un comodo formato... see more
  • No puedo cambiar TDPs
    @LilySensei Claaaro que si, para eso estamos 💪 Por cierto @Dyedra ¿solucionaste el problema? 🤔 see more
  • Feliz día de San Valentín
    Alguien tenía que hacerlo...🤣 see more
  • Zapraszamy na 9-tą edycję Turnieju Fortnite!
    Hej wszystkim! Mam dla Was znakomite wieści - Wasz ulubiony Turniej Fortnite powraca po raz 9ty! Jak zwykle prowadzony będzie przez naszego wspaniałego gospodarza @hajtv i komentowany przez gościa specjalnego @Kamstar ! Tym razem oprócz nagród za podium w turnieju mamy dla Was także nagrody... see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    @Blackgem No le eché ninguna foto a mi querida CandyFloss ni a Cucufato, su fiel palio 😭 En fin...quedará en mi recuerdo. Y si, se me da bien darle a sacos de boxeo XD XD Andaaaa, Avowed,¡¡es verdad!! (pre) instalando ahora mesmo : ) (Vi que ya habían miles de reseñas por internet, pero no... see more
  • Gamestop veut se séparer de es magasins en europe.
    Bonjour tout le monde ! GameStop recherche aujourd’hui un potentiel acquéreur pour reprendre la marque Micromania-Zing ainsi que la gestion des magasins français. On ne sait pas encore les conséquence réel et/ou le futur repreneur. Quand pensez-vous pour le futur des magasins? see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch I guess I am out of excuses now, haha. I have always just boiled water in a pot on a stove-top. Is there any scientific studies that kettle boiled water is better for tea (when the water in itself is safe), I can't help but wonder now. Well, in that case I do like it. If anyone... see more
  • Avowed is out today! Here is all I got!
    Hello Legion Gamers! After a period of press release and premium access, Avowed is out today for all to play! This is a new game from Obsidian, quite well received so far. I as usual will be waiting for the DLC plans to be announced, but for those who may want to play it already, here are a few... see more