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  • Here is some series news
    Hello Legion Gamers! Pardon the dad pun in the title 😅 Yesterday I posted that Twilight of The Gods animated series is coming out later this week, and now I wanted to mention a few (mostly game-based) series that will come out a little later. Starting with the second season of The Last of Us,... see more
  • Legion Go 'Connect/Disconnect' Sounds While Using Detached Joycons and Docked to TV
    I've been playing Skyrim while my Go is docked to my TV and I'm using a 3D printed controller connector to attach the joycons to. I'm using a dock called the LISEN 13-IN-1 Docking Station. I noticed this sound that resembles a connect/disconnect tone will regularly sound off, but only while... see more
  • Final Fantasy XVI - jak wrażenia po premierze?
    Hej wszystkim! Dziś miała miejsce premiera Steam szesnastej części bestsellerowej serii gier, która chyba chociażby ze słyszenia jest znana każdemu graczowi. Do tej pory jedynie posiadacze co niektórych konsol mogli się cieszyć nową serią przygód, teraz jest już ona dostępna dla wszystkich! A... see more
  • Annapurna Interactive : toute l'équipe démissionne !
    Une news assez terrible dans le monde du jeux vidéo : démission en masse dans un studio indé ... en contestation avec la revalorisation des contrats et d'être une entité libre de la maison mère, mais pas que. Et les studios partenaires se retrouvent bloqué et en panique. Annapurna c'est entre... see more
  • Steam is having a Boomstock 2024 sale!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Steam is having a sale again, this time titled Boomstock 2024. They call it "a celebration of all Boomer Shooters and kick-ass action games in general, all connected by their love for the good old days of gaming, shining through in the games’ artstyle, gameplay, or both."... see more
  • Quitting a game
    Hey everyone! My question today is HOW EASILY DO YOU QUIT A GAME? Are you that type of gamer that MUST finish any game he/she starts or as soon as you see that you do not like it or is too difficult you quit it? Honestly, I tend to quit easily the stuff I do not like, but for example now... see more
  • HUB USB, aiutatemi!
    Ciao, qualcuno di voi conosce per caso un buon HUB muiltiporta usb 3.0 che abbia anche porta ethernet per cavo lan e che sia auto alimentato? Grazie in anticipo! (Deve avere almeno 4 USB 3.0 + l'ingresso per internet) see more
  • Country music in games!
    Hello Legion Gamers! It's been a while since we had a musical post. Some of you may remember that yours truly likes jazz, or that @DracoTarot and @galadrielmt enjoy Metal, but today is the 17th of September: the day of the Country Music! Which actually may make it into the video games more... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    extinction --> feu see more
  • Annapurna Interactive : toute l'équipe démissionne !
    Quand on voit ce qui s'est passé avec des studios comme Mountains et Fullbright ces dernières années et la façon dont Annapurna a protégé les CEO qui traitaient leurs employés comme des chiens... je vais pas vraiment pleurer pour eux mais c'est regrettable pour les petits studios qui comptaient sur... see more
  • Quitting a game
    I don't like any unfinished stuff, so most of time I tend to finish whatever I'm playing or watching even if it got boring at some point to see if the end deserve the effort or not, unless this thing is really boring or unfinishable for me then I quit, there's no point 😅 I always start playing new... see more
  • 1️⃣1️⃣0️⃣ introvert VS extrovert
    Extrovert online and around friends and family, Introvert irl and around anybody else😅 see more
  • المولد النبوي
    كل عام و انتم بالف خير❤️ see more
  • Le metaverse ! Le mot à la mode qui finalement fait perdre 200 milliard à Meta/Facebook
    @Badfluffy apres je vais quand même essayer. La commu FR Meta Quest à une permance tous les jours à 18h. Je vais aller voir cette semaine ce qu'il s'y passe. Mais j'ai pas beaucoup d'espoir see more
  • المولد النبوي
    كل عام وكلكم طيبين ❤️ see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Dinosaures--> extinction see more
  • Le metaverse ! Le mot à la mode qui finalement fait perdre 200 milliard à Meta/Facebook
    @ramax ça m'étonne pas vraiment. Faire de l'innovation en carton juste pour dire mais sans pousser parce que la mode est passée, ça a tendance à faire grincer les dents des investisseurs see more
  • 1️⃣1️⃣0️⃣ introvert VS extrovert
    Introvert, but like prefer to stay at home 100% of the time, but have no problem whatsoever communicating with people, even with a lot of people at the same time. see more