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  • Collezionare carte Pokemon
    Ci mancava solo questa! L'anno scorso sono andato alla Games Week di Milano con fidanzata e amici e c'era un mio amico che ha speso un patrimonio in carte di Pokemon ed io purtroppo ho visto quante carte stupende hanno stampato in questi anni, ma quel giorno sono stato tutto di un pezzo e non ho... see more
  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    This was the only thing missing! Last year I went to the Milan Games Week with my girlfriend and friends and there was a friend of mine who spent a fortune on Pokèmon cards and unfortunately I had to see how many amazing cards they have printed over the years, but that day I was all in one piece... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 20 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 19 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • 20 FOR 20 BUNDLE - 20 titoli 2K a 20 euro su Steam
    Per i saldi dell'editore, ecco un interessante pacchetto con molti titoli di spicco, praticamente ad 1 euro l'uno! Include titoli come Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, Duke Nukem Forever, Bioshock e molti altri! QUI il link alla pagina. see more
  • HUMANKIND Gratis su Epic
    QUI il link alla pagina! see more
  • Beyond Blue GRATIS su Epic
    QUI il link alla pagina! see more
  • Legion Gaming Community Tower by Ken
    La mega hall dell'espansione e' quasi finita: see more
  • PC HANDHELD 2025 feat. Legion GO S
    @Ken3cento Purtroppo non me ne intendo di Minecraft nello specifico, ma solitamente nei subreddit dedicati si possono trovare esperti in grado di darti delle indicazioni. Proverei a chiedere lì. see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DracoTarot Well, it could be an option for when you want to play something good but your PC is not powerful enough to run the newest games. My "to play later" list has a special tag for games like that 😅 see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @miskkie It is good if you like open worlds like GTA or Watch Dogs 2, though this one is with Hong Kong flair. Do you play open-world games like that? see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 6-13 February!
    @miskkie You're very welcome! Which one of the two is ore interesting to you? see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 6-13 February!
    @ChristianRasmussen I have not managed to look into Civ VII yet, but I hear here and there that it is Mixed on Steam so far? I read in a preview that they made some changes that fans of the older parts found...peculiar. But I never played any Civs before so I wouldn't know. Have you played any of... see more
  • Check out the latest Gothic 1 Remake visuals!
    @miskkie I guess it is a natural process, the further games and technology advance, the more we will come across remakes. After all, unlike movies that can be watched today even if they were made over a century ago (well, not all of them and some need to be upscaled, but generally, it is not that... see more
  • Check out the latest Gothic 1 Remake visuals!
    @DracoTarot Hopefully, you will be able to try it out sooner than you think: the developers are preparing a demo. Rumour has it that they may present it during the Next Fest Steam Festival at the end of the month 😉 see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Pokrętło -> gwintownik see more
  • PC HANDHELD 2025 feat. Legion GO S
    @Lascax Al momento sto usando Aternos per Minecraft. In futuro potrei optare per un server dedicato ma non saprei quali caratteristiche minime dovrebbe avere per raggiungere buone prestazioni. see more
  • PC HANDHELD 2025 feat. Legion GO S
    @Ken3cento Non consiglierei in tal senso, anche se dipende soprattutto da cosa ci vuoi ospitare. A quel prezzo consiglierei un mini-server ITX apposito direttamente, che probabilmente costa anche meno. see more
  • PC HANDHELD 2025 feat. Legion GO S
    @Lascax Non vedo l'ora dell'uscita della Legion GO 2. Considerando anche il basso consumo, non si potrebbe usare come piccolo server? Cosa ne pensi? see more