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  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Good news for all Sleeping Dogs fans! To be honest, I am not sure how many of those there are here, it is a 2012 (2014 if you count Definitive Edition) game that did not get that popular, but later got a cult status for some gamers. It tells the story of an undercover cop in... see more
  • Try Green Hell for free this weekend!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Good news for those who enjoy brutal realistic survivor simulators: Creepy Jar is giving an option to try their Green Hell game for free this weekend: A brutally realistic (and quite graphic, it seems) jungle survivor. If this is something you (and/or your friends) may... see more
  • [GAMEPASS]: Febrero 2025
    Saludos Legioncic@s 😁 Este mes llega fuerte en gamepass e imagino que much@s de vosotr@s estáis esperando un juego en particular 😏 Primero, vayamos con los juegos que se van a partir del 15 de febrero: A Little to the Left see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out!
    Hello Legion Gamers! It's the 4th of February, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out! In preparation Warhorse made a recap trailer summing up the events of the first game. If you are going to play this game, then it may be worth checking out to make sure you remember everything: Who will... see more
  • Kingdom Come 2 vs Avowed
    - which one will you give a try first? - what field they(will they?) fail? see more
  • First clips of the new Battlefield
    Hello everyone! A couple of weeks ago I made a thread where I talked about the situation of Call of Duty at the moment, well, yesterday on Jackfrags channel I saw some clips of the upcoming Battlefield! Hopefully it will be good, please consider that this is a pre-alpha, so it can still change... see more
  • Hejka
    Nie mam na czym grać, kompulsywnie uczestniczę w giveawyach licząc na Lenovo Gaming Laptop, ale pewnie kupię coś najtańszego, by zagrać w Avowed, kiedy tylko wyjdzie (za 2 tygodnie). Także tak, mam 3,5 tuzina lat i lubię grać w RPGi by uciec od codziennej burości see more
  • 7/2/25: #GameTogether GLOBAL: Multiversus
    ¡Hola jugon@s! 🎮 Este viernes, 7 de febrero nos sumergiremos en el mundo de MultiVersus en una #GameTogether internacional (ya no tienes excusa para platicar y practicar inglés) a las 6 PM hora pensinsular. Si aún no habéis probado Multiversus, es un juego de lucha de 2vs2, tipo Smashbros... see more
  • Battlefield 6
    Bonjour tout le monde ! Le prochain Battlefield donne de ses nouvelles, le jeu est en préalpha, et ce veux le plus grand et le plus ambitieux à ce jour. Retour des modes classique du jeu et une campagne solo. De plus un Discord lui est consacré pour avoir le maximum de retours des... see more
  • GTA VI is almost ready!
    According to a now-deleted interview with former Rockstar Games animator Mike York, GTA 6 is likely in a fully playable state. 👀 That means the game is deep in final polish and optimization! We are almoooost there. How hyped are you? 🚗💨 see more
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows Under Fire… Over a Watermelon? 🍉
    The controversy around Assassin's Creed Shadows never ends, and this time it's because of watermelon! 🍉😅 One of the major Japanese accounts criticized Ubisoft after noticing that the protagonist, Yasuke, slices a watermelon with his sword 🗡. But the issue isn’t with the scene itself—the... see more
  • DUNE AWAKENING : la presse donne son avis sur les premiers tests
    Funcom a fait une grosse séssion de test à OSLO et la presse y etait evidement invité : see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    Hej wszystkim! W styczniu świętowaliśmy przekroczenie 10 tysięcy użytkowników społeczności Legion i z tej okazji odbyło się specjalne wydarzenie w Warszawie, o którym niedawno pisałam 😊 Podczas tego wydarzenia odbyły się nie tylko mini turnieje, ale także specjalny quiz wiedzy o Lenovo.... see more
  • Game Together 7 Febbraio!
    Ciao a tutti, questo venerdi 7 Febbraio ci sarà la Game Together Internazionale alle ore 18 ITALIANE e voi ovviamente siete invitati! Si gioca a Multiversus, un gioco free to play con battaglie abbastanza caotiche ma anche molto divertenti! QUANDO? see more
  • Epic Games : "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™"
    Pour la semaine du 06 au 13 février, Epic Games nous offrira le jeu "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™" en Edition Standard >>Beyond Blue<< Beyond Blue est une aventure narrative en solo qui vous plonge dans le cœur bleu battant de notre planète. Explorez les merveilles et les mystères sans... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 6-13 February!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Epic Games Store offers games for free every week. This week, the free games are... Beyond Blue Beyond Blue is a single-player narrative adventure that takes you deep into our planet’s beating blue heart. Explore the awesome wonder and unbounded mystery that exists... see more
  • [Humble Choice] On saute un mois en février avec Immortals of Aveum, Griftlands et Naheulbeuk Dungeon Master
    Bon, c'est pas foufou ce mois-ci. En tête d'affiche, on a : - Immortals of Aveum. Un jeu qui m'avait tenté pendant les soldes, mais qui ne fera que rejoindre la pile qui prend la poussière. C'est un jeu de tir à la première personne médiévo-futuriste dans lequel on joue un magicien rigolo. Il y... see more
  • La quête de l'impossible ⚔️🛡️🏰
    Bonjour à tous, Nous sommes de retour avec des nouvelles passionnantes pour tous les fans de Minecraft ⚒️ de notre communauté ! Que diriez-vous de vous joindre à nous pour une grande aventure ? Si c'est le cas, nous vous suggérons de suivre @TommyInnit ce soir (jeudi 6 février) à 20h00... see more
  • A few new releases!
    Hello Legion Gamers! This year starts with a blast, with much anticipated and acclaimed Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 coming out today, preceded a bit by also anticipated but not as well-reviewed Spider-Man 2. With such big players entering the stage, we need to take care not to miss smaller games... see more
  • Najpiękniejsze przyjaźnie w grach
    Hej wszystkim! Luty to miesiąc skupiający się na miłości i przyjaźni - uczuciach, które sprawiają, że nasze życie nabiera innych barw 🌈 Tak samo jak w życiu, także i w filmach, książkach czy grach spotykamy się z przyjaźniami, czy to oczywistymi, czy zawartymi niespodziewanie. Jednym z... see more