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  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Marcelek obczaj czy Twój ruter nie ma opcji serwera smb. To najwygodniejsza z opcji ​​​​​​ see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @TrendaTen Mi się chyba jeszcze zdarzyło MemTesta odpalić. A tak, to mam SATA SSD w obudowie z przejściówką na USB. Miałem zrobić wspólny folder dla sieci domowej, ale mi się nie chciało i tak teraz chodzę z tym dyskiem, kiedy trzeba coś przenieść z jednego PC na drugi. see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    Well, if we can't have free games, the sale is as close as we get 😅 see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    @miskkie That is a good attitude. Usually, the end of the year has big sales, so if you have things to play, then you can afford to wait for better deals. And shops have multiple sales over the year too... see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    @Telomina It is good to have all you need, though one of the benefits of sales is that you can also pick gifts for others if you know what they like (and do not have) or you have access to their wishlist. Well, you can't expect goats to still be there every time you launch the game, they are... see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Marcelek oj tak. Ostatnie 20 użyć pendrive to instalowanie systemów see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Glacial --> Polaire see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @TrendaTen Koło życia. Co wschodzi, musi zajść. ​​​​​​​Pendrive już jest powoli wypierany przez chmurę. see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    That reminded me of Helga from Hey Arnold from childhood 😅 But yeah, Sleeping Dogs deserved better than what it got, lets hope, if it does happen, the movie will give it a boost. see more
  • gamescom 2024: Check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 gameplay!
    @ZaidH Splinter Cell is...well...enemies do not manage to notice the giant shining green triclops in the dark, I mean, one of Fisher's defining attributes is that his visor glows in the dark like it's St Patrick's Day. With that premise, I would not be surprised if all of his enemies would have... see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Marcelek CD to jeszcze "świeży" wynalazek. Ja wiem że Sony wymyśliło go dawno ale jeszcze 20 lat temu nie każdy miał napęd w swoim PC. A teraz znowu jest ich mało XD see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @ZaidH This is one thing I do not like about LaD games. Original Yakuza had a bit of grind, sure, but not at that level. LaD was so grindy it was even disorienting when I first tried it. True, but then again, who has it easy these days? Actually, Warhorse probably does... We'll see, they may... see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @ZaidH Ah, that makes sense, those text games are very close to books. But "smaller game chunks on smaller devices" is a curious correlation, by that logic if you want to play something for an unusually long period of time (like if you want to pull a game all-nighter), you'd need to go to Oak Ridge... see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @TrendaTen Dzięki, ale laptop niedawno zmieniony. Jeszcze chyba w piwnicy mam gdzieś mój stary napęd do PC. Mimo wszystko mam nadzieję, że już nigdy z tego nie będzie trzeba korzystać. Właśnie sobie zdałem sprawę, że moja mini-kolekcja pudełek gier na półce jest już tylko tym - pudełkami z jakimś... see more
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @ZaidH How difficult are we talking, like Dark Souls? If so, then it may be too much for me... The last remake from that rea that I played was the Darksiders. I managed to play the first one well enough, but during the second one I got distracted by newer things and never picked it up... see more
  • The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep is out today!
    @miskkie Oh for sure. Though this is one of those things, it seems to me, where fans of the Witcher books would have more issues with it than those who do not particularly care about that universe. Are you a Witcher fan? see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Klara -> krowa see more
  • Przygoda łącząca dwa światy
    @Aaricia podłączyłem do lapka Lenovo mysz Lenovo także nie mogło się palić :D see more