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  • A chance to play Do No Harm before others!
    Hello Legion Gamers! We seem to be in a period of chances to play games early 😉 Endless Legend 2 offered this chance, and one more upcoming game is doing the same: the soon-to-be-released (6th of March to be exact) Do No Harm: This is a "single window" doctor simulator but with a... see more
  • Xbox Developer Direct 2025
    Feliz viernes legi...algo 😝 Otro año más llega Xbox Developer Direct, donde el gigante de la cruz verde (anda, esto es un barrio de Málaga...¿le serviría de inspiración al señor puertas??) muestra lo que se viene. Y aunque no me tragara las 4 horas del show, hice una visionada rápida (como... see more
  • We're all DOOMed! 😉
    Hello Legion Gamers! One of the highlights of yesterday's Developer_Direct was all sorts of updates about the anticipated next DOOM game. So I thought it may be a good idea to gather all that we know in one post. Starting with a bit from Developer_Direct that's all about the game: Too long... see more
  • Epic Games SmartPhone - Bloons TD6 gratuit !
    Et donc, de la même manière que pour Dungeon of the Endless hier, Epic met à disposition gratuitement Bloons TD6 sur iOS et Android ! Il vous suffit d'installer l'application sur votre smartphone, le jeu se trouvera sur la page d'accueil. see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Chouquette --> pâtisserie see more
  • Vorrei un volante!
    @Sarkhan Concordo con quanto sopra sul Logitech G29. Ci pensai più volte mentre usavo il VR, in particolare con Project Cars 2 che è un simulatore vero e proprio ed è praticamente ingiocabile senza un volante. Il vantaggio del G29, oltre al fatto che ha un buon prezzo, è che si tratta di un... see more
  • [Epic Games] Dungeon of the Endless Apogee offert sur IOS / Android
    merci see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    --> Brioche --> chouquette see more
  • We're all DOOMed! 😉
    Guess ray tracing will be near mandatory from now on. For AAA titles at least. see more
  • The TV show you are waiting for in 2025
    I hope that A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will be good! see more
  • Xbox Developer Direct 2025
    No hay suficiente Ninja Gaiden... Han sacado de sorpresa el Ninja Gaiden 2 Black en gamepass para quien no disfrute de la experiencia original o quiera disfrutarla con nuevos aires :). --- Expedition 33 no me... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    pain --> Brioche see more