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  • Check out The New York Game Awards!
    @DoctorEldritch Maybe they will depending if the game is still popular by then or they could release a remastered version for PC. see more
  • DOOM: The Dark Ages 15 Mayo 2025 y Gamepass
    @Blackgem Pero qué GIFs más molones has puestooooooo ¿De dónde los has sacado? 👀 A ver, por 80 pavos norl, pero si sale en gamepass, habrá que probarlo 😋 ¿Viste alguna cosilla interesante en el developer direct? Yo lo estaba mirando ahora... : ) see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 9-16 January!
    @DoctorEldritch We do have mesh on our windows to keep out the insects and critters. The issue is sometimes the mosquitos are so small they are able to crawl through the mesh and hide behind the curtains. Some people don't seem to care about those coils harming their lungs. They use them in a... see more
  • A chance to play Endless Legend 2 before others!
    Hello Legion Gamers, Good news for all 4X strategy games out there! Amplitude Studios which brought us Humankind, Endless Space and Endless Legend announced a new game: Endless Legend 2! If you like 4X strategy games and/or the first Endless Legend in particular, you can wishlist it even... see more
  • Check out The Blood of Dawnwalker trailer!
    @DoctorEldritch Ah ok I understand what you are saying. On a personal level, I find movies with storylines happening in one space a bit boring depending on who directed the movie and if there is a certain reason why the actors are isolated. Maybe it's because over COVID-19 times most movies... see more
  • [Epic Games] Dungeon of the Endless Apogee offert sur IOS / Android
    Epic se lancerait-il aussi dans la course aux stores alternatifs sur mobile ? En téléchargeant l'appli il est possible de récupérer gratuitement la version mobile de Dungeon of the Endless. Qui a l'air de se prêter parfaitement au jeu sur smartphone ! Le jeu est ici :... see more
  • Epic Game - Smartphone : "Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee"
    ça y est, Epic se lance dans l'offre de gratuité mensuel de jeux sur mobile. Ce mois ci, il nous est proposé, jusqu'au 20 févrierDungeon of the Endless: Apogee Mélange explosif de rogue-like et de dungeon-defense, Dungeon of the Endless: Apogee est un jeu qui va vous en faire voir de toutes... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DoctorEldritch I probably will watch the original series sometime time if have not else to watch. I do not travel much these days and mostly at home. A proper PC is a bit of a hassle to try along with you and I would also rather use a laptop on trips. Maybe you can have a bit of both. A nice... see more
  • El post de las palabras encadenadas
    @CandelaSynth No SABES tú nada, jugando a dos bandas como si fueras uno de esos GOLEADORES por los que pagan millones en el fútbol moderno see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 23-30 January!
    @DoctorEldritch I want that magic pencil that creates a landscape just by gracefully passing it over the canvas XD Also, where´s that neighborhood where everyone´s an artist? hehehe On a more serious note, I like the anime art style and I´m always up for solving mysteries, so I got it ; ) see more
  • Check out The New York Game Awards!
    @DracoTarot Maybe they will make a PC version in a few years, like how they did with Horizon and others, for example. And the game may be cheaper by then, too... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 9-16 January!
    @DracoTarot Ah, in that case, do you have nets on windows and doors? Some of those coils can be natural repellants, but most are chemicals indeed. I only use those coils when camping outside sometimes, never inside. But, if they want to do that, there are natural incense sticks that could do... see more
  • El post de las palabras encadenadas
    @Quimct Pues mira, ya que te MOLA las sombras del Grey, ¿qué te parece un LÁTIGO? 😈 @Blackgem Y también sigo con vuestra conversación paralela, que tiene mucha GUASA 😂😝 see more
  • Check out The Blood of Dawnwalker trailer!
    @DracoTarot I did not mean better artistically, I meant more on a personal level. For example, I definitely like The Hateful Eight better because it is Western and because I generally enjoy "closed-room" movies where the story happens in one isolated place. But style-wise both it and Pulp Fiction... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DracoTarot Maybe not new, but you can always rewatch the original series from the 60s. I think it is better than a modern remake with Carell anyway. I am mostly using a laptop because it is convenient to travel with, I tend to do it reasonably often, and a proper PC is not as convenient for... see more
  • Check out The New York Game Awards!
    @DoctorEldritch Well, then I have the same issue as you. I do not own a PS5 anymore and not planning to buy one anytime soon. It sucks when certain titles are only available on specific platforms. see more