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  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 28 Janvier
    @Valiguard toujours dans le vrai les guignols ! c'est pas rien que Boloré les à ejecté de canal see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Aaricia A ile używasz? Trochę nie ma sensu mieć dysku przenośnego jako "głównego magazynu danych". HDD możesz mieć w domu jako taką główną kopię, a na SSD ładować tylko najpotrzebniejsze pliki. O ile nie tworzysz wideo na boku lub nie robisz sesji zdjęciowych w 8K, to 1TB raczej wystarczy. U... see more
  • Petite présentation
    Bonjour et bienvenue parmis nous désolé je gère pas mal de p'tit soucis je passe beaucoup moins dernièrement ​​​​​​​Tu verras on est bien ici tout le monde est mignon see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    tykanie -> tik tak ​​​​​​​ see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 27 Janvier
    1926 Le physicien Erwin Schrödinger publie sa théorie de la mécanique ondulatoire et présente ce qui devient connu sous le nom d'équation de Schrödinger en mécanique quantique Le fameux chat de Schrödinger à la fois mort et vivant. Comme Ubisoft :D en fait c'est pas qu'ils sont nulle a... see more
  • Petite présentation
    J'avais pas vu ^^ Desoler, bonjour a toi, cela nous fait plaisir de voir du monde :) Bienvenue 🤩 see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    Et oui les ecrans c'est très mauvais, oui c'est utile mais on te force a etre devant un ecran car tout est numerique de nos J see more
  • Petite présentation
    @GoLLuM13 @ramax @Alpha75 @mastereur @Klaw @Batgreg @josss @rhydid Ne soyez pas timides, venez dire bonjour =3 see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina I'll trust you on that. Can't make an informed comment on this one as by informing myself I would invalidate the result 😉 Look forward to it! Ah, yeah, free is always better 😊 But it does sound rather good. How often do you usually clean it? If you need to do it every week like a... see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @ZaidH Yeah. A shame, that series was one of the rays of hope in this world of microtransactions and paying not to grind and all...Ah well... Yeah, I saw... Guys, what people actually want is a sequel, not a remaster. Come on... see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @ZaidH Ah well, who knows, in a few decades or so, maybe every home will have a supercomputer. Same as many homes now have a regular one, which was not the case not that long ago. Or TVs before that... see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @iuiu Have you managed to play all 5 Personas? I hear the story in Persona 5 is very good, and got a lot of praise. P2 is even better than that? see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    @ZaidH Dave the Diver is a very good game, and I think you, in particular, may especially enjoy it, it has a lot of fun little cultural references. I liked it, but took a break when I learned they are working on a big Jungle DLC for later. Now I am waiting for that to come out first. see more
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @ZaidH Hmm, I may give it a try at some point, but probably later. I am all tied up with RDR and a few deckbuilders right now. Depends on what you like. Darksiders is more linear. You get a few zones where you can't pass without unlocking certain abilities, but that's about it. Darksiders 2 is... see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    Wooo, hype is back on the menu! Meshael was kind enough to play the Silent Hill 2 remake for the previous Her Legion event, so my allegiance lies with her 😌 see more
  • Women’s Day Special Podcast: Ask your Questions to our #HerLegion Clan leaders!
    From my point of view, I think the biggest challenge facing players is competition. This is because thousands of new creative players join the platforms every day, and it can be difficult to stand out. For this reason, successful players must constantly innovate, diversify and constantly find new... see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @DoctorEldritch Yeah I'm not sure what's going on here. As if the fight wasn't hard enough, they put a small stealth section right before it. So every time you lose, you gotta sneak through the place 😖 So frustrating. Speaking of Bend Studio, they just showed a Days Gone remaster at the State of... see more
  • gamescom 2024: Check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 gameplay!
    That's such a great description of the night goggles 😂 Can't wait to see Sam spreading coronavirus before attempting his missions. see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @DoctorEldritch LMAO I’d love to do that 😂 @iuiu Oh wow, whenever there’s a Persona related conversation, it’s usually P3 and P4 that come up for having the best stories. Now I’m intrigued by P2. Does it still hold up well after all this time? see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @CandelaSynth @Telomina Not only is Disco Elysium incredibly entertaining, but the story behind its dev studio is just as intriguing and sad. If you’re interested in game development, the downfall of ZA/UM is a must read. see more