• EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    @GoLLuM13, @ZaidH, @skydsgaardd, @DracoTarot, @Telomina, @miskkie and @SKYTRiXSHA I'll tag you all again for a sale. Not a free offer, but who knows, maybe you'll spot something you like. @Telomina for example, you may enjoy your blanket more if you play The Sims™ 4 Snowy Escape wrapped in it? 😉... see more
  • Steam is having a Couch Co-Op Fest 2025!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is having its Winter sale, and Steam is not falling far behind and is having a Couch Co-Op Fest 2025! It focuses on the games that you can play together with friends, either cooperatively or even in the same room. @GoLLuM13 and @skydsgaard this could be good for... see more
  • Anime Anime Anime 2
    @Ken3cento Avete visto Wakako Zake? Si tratta di una vecchia miniserie, tutti gli episodi durano meno di 5 minuti, ma ritraggono abbastanza bene il Giappone del dopolavoro e i piatti da bere. see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is having a Winter Sale: A decent selection, but the biggest discounts are for older games. I get it, but not much here is very new, and most discounts for decent more recent games are not big enough to make me want to buy. But that's me, maybe someone will find... see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    L'outil I.A peut être intéressant, mais il faut formé les gens à poser et se poser des questions, il faudrait que je cherche une vidéo de ses classes I.A, pour comprendre un peut mieux leurs but. En ce qui concerne le remplacement des professeurs, en France ça fait des années qu'ils sont... see more
  • Legion Gaming Community Tower by Ken
    Minecraft Java e Bedrock Qui sono elencate le differenze tra la versione Java e Bedrock: https://www.minecraft.net/it-it/article/java-or-bedrock-edition Da un po' di tempo sono vendute assieme (avendo gia' una versione si dovrebbe avere accesso all'altra) ... see more
  • Anime Anime Anime 2
    @DoctorEldritch Lo aggiungo alla lista da guardare, grazie. see more
  • Une aventure à travers deux mondes
    Je me suis dit la même chose ^^; see more
  • The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep is out today!
    Hello Legion Gamers! A call out to all Witcher fans: The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep is out today! Based on "A Little Sacrifice" story from the books (and taking place between the 5th and 6th episodes of the main Netflix series for those who follow that sort of thing), it tells a story of a... see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    Bonjour ! Ça se passe à Phoenix, dans l'Arizona. Une école va remplacer l'humain enseignant par une IA spécialisée des septembres 2025 Je me dis que c'est un test pour voir, mais je viens d'apprendre qu'il y a déjà plein d'écoles qui ont passé le cap. Privée et publique ! Et pas que des... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina I tried "How I met your mother" but for some reason, I could not get really into it. I don't know what it was, just did not quite click with me. I am trying 30 Rock right now, so far it is passable, but not as good as the best of them, IMHO. But I am willing to give it the benefit of the... see more
  • Welcome to the 📖 Legion Book Club 📖
    Not an adventure book, but the one I mentioned about tea here, George Mikes's book "How to be an Alien". He humorously wrote about his experiences in Britain. It is quite an old book now, but most of what he wrote about still stands. Here is an abstract about tea, I think I quoted it somewhere... see more
  • Une aventure à travers deux mondes
    @Badfluffy il y a peut être un décalage horaire de 3 jours avec l’Angleterre ? 😂 see more
  • Dzień Kobiet w Sporcie 🎾
    @Prywatny wielka szkoda, ale może uda się powtórzyć, talent pozostaje 😊 see more
  • Wiedźmin: Syreny z głębin - jak Wam się podoba?
    Hej wszystkim! Od dziś na Netflixie można obejrzeć animowany film o naszym ulubionym Wiedźminie: Macie zamiar spędzić dzisiejszy wieczór z Wiedźminem? A może już zdążyliście obejrzeć? 🧐 see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Cadreur --> Buteur see more