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  • NVIDIA : Free 3-month subscription to Xbox Game Pass PC (for new GAME PASS customers)
    If you have an nVidia graphics card and have never tried the GAMEPASS, you can have 3 months free! Mode d'emploi : Create an NVIDIA account if you have already created an account, click here and make sure you are registered for GeForce Rewards Download and install GeForce... see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    Hello Legion Gamers! The beginning of June is packed with different gaming events. I posted about them separately, but I thought that it might be good to gather all the links in one place so it would be easier to find them. So here goes: 6th of June: Guerrilla Collective 7th of June:... see more
  • Medagliere Legion - Maggio 2024 🥇
    Ciao a tutti! Pensavate me ne fossi dimenticatoo ehhhhh!!! E invece no! Eccoci qui con il secondo mese della Medalboard Challenge, il mese scorso 9 di voi si erano qualificati per l'estrazione e anche questo mese siete in 9! Dunque la stessa possibilità di vincere! Abbiamo @Kaywen al quarto... see more
  • Secondo vincitore Medalboard Challenge
    Ciao a tutti, dai, a sto giro non voglio farvi aspettare troppo a rivelarvi il nome del secondo vincitore!!! Mi sembra che questa attività vi stia piacendo, dunque vi confermo che verrà prolungata fino a fine anno! Vi farò poi sapere quali saranno i premi! Questo mese il premio segreto è IL... see more
  • Spam sur le forum : ADMIN prenez les bonnes décisions !
    @CandelaSynth @OursGarou Déjà ce matin, le forum ramait à mort, ça devait spammer sévère ... Et en passant sur la commu anglaise, pour papoter avec nos copains anglophones, je vois que tout une catégorie est bombardée Je signale le premier spammeur, je vais au second et boom un message... see more
  • Le PSVR 2 sera compatible PC dès le 7 août, mais avec de nombreuses restrictions
    Le PlayStation VR2 sera bel et bien compatible sur PC à compter du 7 août 2024. Une excellente nouvelle ? Pas si vite. Cette compatibilité PC n’est pas sans restrictions : certaines fonctionnalités clés du PS VR2 ne sont pas disponibles sur PC, et il faudra investir dans un adaptateur ... see more
  • 07/06/24: #GameTogether ESPAÑOLA
    ¡Hola jugon@s! 🎮 ¿Estrenamos el primer viernes del mes con una #GameTogether de habla española? Como siempre a las 7pm hora peninsular en el canal de la fiesta del Discord Aquí os dejo una bella encuesta, por si quereís ejercer vuestro derecho al voto XD ...Aunque en esta ocasión... see more
  • 9️⃣6️⃣ Share a Snapshot of Your Favorite Animal!🐾
    Hello, Legioners! This is our first Legion Fridays of June!🎮 Pets and Animals! 🐾📸 This Friday, let's keep it simple yet absolutely adorable! I know we all love animals, so how about sharing a picture of your favourite? Or a random picture for an animal from your phone or computer? Even... see more
  • [Débat] : Sony et le géoblocage
    Ceux qui me connaissent depuis le temps connaissent l'amour que je porte pour les jeux-vidéo et notamment cette licence qu'est "God of War". Inutile de vous dire la joie quand j'ai vu que ça arrivait sur PC le 19 septembre avec tout ce que ça apporte, je vous laisse découvrir tout ça >>ici<< mais... see more
  • Co sądzicie o grach VR?
    Hej wszystkim! W dzisiejszych czasach gry potrafią nas wciągnąć do zupełnie innego, magicznego świata, do tego stopnia, że nie potrafimy oderwać wzroku od monitora. Ale to nie wszystko, ponieważ istnieją gry, które dzięki urządzeniom VR dają nam wrażenie, że fizycznie sami znajdujemy się właśnie... see more
  • Troppe piattaforme di streaming!!!
    Ciao a tutti, no, questo non è un post informativo, voglio semplicemente LAMENTARMI! Lamentartmi del fatto che ad oggi, se si vuole essere in grado di vedere film e serie tv LEGALMENTE bisogna spendere praticamente 100 euro al mese tra Netflix, Prime, Apple TV, Paramount, Now, Disney,... see more
  • [Debate] Sony and the geo-blocking
    Those of you who know me here know the love I have for video games, and in particular the license that is "God of War". I don't need to tell you how happy I was when I saw that it was coming to PC on September 19, with all that it brings, but Sony has stained and even spoiled this beautiful picture... see more
  • WALLPAPER animato LEGION GAMING - Maggio 2024
    Su richiesta generale del pubblico (beh, solo del @Valiguard :D ) Ecco il mio ultimo WALLPAPER, ma in modalità "animata", per la comunità di LEGION GAMING. (Per usarlo come sfondo di Windows, avrete bisogno di : Lively Wallpaper) Animazione scaricabile qui in 4k e 1080p see more
  • 9️⃣6️⃣ شارك صورة لحيوانك المفضل! 🐾
    مرحبًا، يا ليجيونرز! هذه هي اول جمعة ليجيون فرايدايز في يونيو! 🎮 الحيوانات الاليفة 🐾📸 الحيوانات الأليفة والحيوانات! 🐾📸 هذا الجمعة، دعونا نبقي الأمر بسيطًا ولكن لطيف للغاية! أعلم أننا جميعًا نحب الحيوانات، فماذا عن مشاركة صورة لحيوانك المفضل؟ أو صورة عشوائية لحيوان من هاتفك أو جهاز الكمبيوتر؟... see more
  • Un jour dans l'histoire du JV : 6 Juin
    Salut ! Aujourd'hui, une toute nouvelle série de discussions dans la communauté francophone. En effet, chaque jour, et ce, pendant une durée d'un an, nous explorerons les jeux marquants sortis à une date spécifique ! C'est aujourd'hui le 6 Juin que… Voyait le jour see more
  • Watching eSports competitions
    Hello everyone, I would like to ask you if you usually watch esports competitions! For example at the moment I am following the World Series of Warzone and I usally watch the Call of Duty League, what about you guys? Any good tournament do you recommend to watch? see more
  • Cry of Fear [Free STEAM]
    Hello! Cry of Fear is a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly... see more
    ¡Saludos habitantes del ciberespacio! ✌ Este mes de Junio os queremos proponer explorar “REALIDADES ALTERNATIVAS” como tema principal, en cualquiera de las vertientes que podáis pensar. La más inmediata, sin duda, es VR, de la que hace poco @ramax habló en un post muy interesante sobre su... see more
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - May 2024
    Hello Legion Gamers! May is over, the last month of Spring has arrived, and it is time for the Medalboard! 😎Every month we have a medal board where members collect points by engaging in the community. (Check the bottom of the thread for more details)! Remember, the more you engage in the... see more