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  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    This was the only thing missing! Last year I went to the Milan Games Week with my girlfriend and friends and there was a friend of mine who spent a fortune on Pokèmon cards and unfortunately I had to see how many amazing cards they have printed over the years, but that day I was all in one piece... see more
  • Collezionare carte Pokemon
    Ci mancava solo questa! L'anno scorso sono andato alla Games Week di Milano con fidanzata e amici e c'era un mio amico che ha speso un patrimonio in carte di Pokemon ed io purtroppo ho visto quante carte stupende hanno stampato in questi anni, ma quel giorno sono stato tutto di un pezzo e non ho... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 20 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 19 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • An Adventure Across Two Worlds
    So, what is all this about? Well, tune into the live streams later today and tomorrow to find out? The slightly longer version is that we thought it would be fun to give our various communities a number of challenges in a distinctly pixelated world you might recognize, from obstacle courses... see more
  • Games with Prime
    Un altro gioco gratis con Prime: see more
  • 20 FOR 20 BUNDLE - 20 titoli 2K a 20 euro su Steam
    Per i saldi dell'editore, ecco un interessante pacchetto con molti titoli di spicco, praticamente ad 1 euro l'uno! Include titoli come Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, Duke Nukem Forever, Bioshock e molti altri! QUI il link alla pagina. see more
  • HUMANKIND Gratis su Epic
    QUI il link alla pagina! see more
  • Beyond Blue GRATIS su Epic
    QUI il link alla pagina! see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch oooh, right! That was the intro, naps can be sneaky like that. Hmm, how dark is a good question. Its not super dark, like doctor-humor. And it's not too often. But it is definitely "the side kick probably have experienced darker thoughts and might not be fully out of it"-... see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    @DoctorEldritchto be honest I'm not entirely sure. It did sound like it was to me. But I am not the best at technical gaming terms I can admit. I mostly like a game based on the overall vibe I get from the trailer/images/streams. see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    inżynier - > tytuł see more
  • En busca de lo imposible ⚔️🛡️🏰
    Hoy ya es día 10 de febrero. Nos puedes contar? 🤐 see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 20 Janvier
    1997 Le duo de danse électronique français Daft Punk sort son album "Homework" Je n'ai jamais compris la hype sur daft punk see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 19 Janvier
    En 2024, le Japon sera le cinquième pays à faire atterrir un vaisseau spatial sur la Lune avec son SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) en utilisant la technologie « Pinpoint Landing » Aujourdhui il y a encore plein de gens qui ne croient pas à la conquête de la lune. see more
  • Anime Anime Anime 2
    @DoctorEldritch hai visto questo anime? see more
  • DUNE AWAKENING : la presse donne son avis sur les premiers tests
    @OursGarou mais totalement ! Prenez de la crème solaire les potos, on est parti pour y jouer un moment 😁 see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Mechanik -> inżynier see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina Oh my, that is a lot. Thank you for the summaries! Out of them all, I only played Little Kitty, Big City. The reason you the cat can't go home is that poor feline fell off the windowsill while napping in the sun, by the way 😉 Out of the others, Nexomon Extinction especially looks... see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Gwintownik -> mechanik see more