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  • 22/2/25: #GameTogether GLOBAL: SKRIBBL.IO
    ¡Hola jugon@s! 🎮 Acá os dejo la info para la próxima #GameTogether global, con nuestros queridos @OursGarou y @Sarkhan en la que se jugará a ¿Cuándo?: Martes 25 a las 18:00 hora peninsular ¿Dónde?: En el canal de audio de la GameTogether de nuestro Discord Recordad que esta... see more
  • Mozilla repousse la fin de Firefox sur Windows 7 et 8.1 : un sursis jusqu’en 2025
    Mozilla surprend en prolongeant une nouvelle fois la prise en charge de Firefox 115 ESR pour Windows 7, Windows 8.1 et certaines versions plus anciennes de macOS (10.12 à 10.14). Initialement prévu pour se terminer en mars 2025, le support a été prolongé jusqu’en septembre 2025. Pourquoi... see more
  • #GameTogether -Skribl - INT - Mardi 25 Fevrier
    Quand ? Mardi 25 Fevrier 2024 à 18h00 CET Hôtes : @Sarkhan et @OursGarou Qui peut participer ?Tout membre de la communauté de Legion - quel que soit son niveau ou son expérience de jeu ! Étant une soirée International, le jeu sera en anglais. Comment puis-je m'inscrire pour participer... see more
  • EGS shared a 2024 review!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is still having a Winter sale, and while DICE awards games, EGS meanwhile shared their statistics for 2024. If you like such inside data, take a peek: A couple of interesting insights there: over one billion spent on PC games is impressive, and the total number of... see more
  • Gametogether 25 Febbraio - Skribl
    Ciao a tutti, martedi prossimo facciamo la game night internazionale di Skribl, non mancate! Quando ? Martedì 25 febbraio 2024 alle 16:00 CET Ospiti: @Sarkhan e @OursGarou Chi può partecipare? see more
  • DICE Awards 2025 are in!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Earlier this week, the DICE Awards 2025 announced their winners, so now we have one more award to compare to the others. There are a lot of them going around... 😅 No big surprises there, Astro Bot won the GOTY award, coming before Balatro, Black Myth: Wukong and... see more
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition (2007) - 80% su Steam
    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition (2007) scontato - 80% su Steam see more
  • GeForce RTX 50 : les joueurs rétro sont-ils pénalisés ?
    NVIDIA officialise la fin du support de CUDA 32 bits et de PhysX 32 bits sur la série GeForce RTX 50, marquant une transition vers des standards exclusivement 64 bits. Cette décision impacte principalement les jeux plus anciens qui n’ont jamais été mis à jour pour les systèmes d’exploitation... see more
  • Co sądzicie o Lost Records: Bloom & Rage?
    Hej wszystkim! Wczoraj swoją premierę miała gra Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - trailer ma w sobie coś z serialu Stranger Things, przynajmniej ja odniosłam takie wrażenie 😀 A jak Wam się wydaje? Co sądzicie o grze? 🧐 see more
  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @Telomina It could be the size, png of 3500 x 2000 px may take a bit longer to load. I will run some tests and get back to you, thank you for bringing that up! 😊 see more
  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @DoctorEldritch oh, this was png, but about 3500 x 2000 px. It just didn't load. Or maybe I was being too impatient. I believe the smaller image was working just before I was tabbing too much. see more
  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @Telomina Not a rule as such, but certain formats like webp, for example, are not supported. Images in jpg, jpeg, png and gif formats should work fine. What was the issue you had? see more
  • Try Green Hell for free this weekend!
    @DracoTarot So you'll be able to get paid for playing games? That'd be the life... Ah, well, regions could be why. We've had a few discussions here about how certain games are not easily accessible in certain places. Could be type of the same thing. Maybe they will get back to you still at... see more