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  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @Telomina Oh my, I am sorry to hear that 😓 Did you try the "Restore auto-saved content function? It appears when while typing a post, you go to a different page and then back, or accidentally close the tab and then open it again. see more
  • El post de las palabras encadenadas
    @CandelaSynth VANDALOS en plan GTA see more
  • HER LEGION Prize is Finally Here: Lenovo Legion R25f-30 Monitor impressions!
    @ahmedmagdyfouad1 Thank you 😄 Yes you can! ​​​​​​​Dunno why the image is horizontal, but yeah you can adjust the monitor's height using the stand on the back. And yep, the monitor can also be panned to the sides 😁 see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    Powrót -> wycieczka see more
  • Lenovo legion go Moniteur extern
    @kenshin34570 si c'est peut-être les branchement : Essaye de : Brancher sûr le port du bas ou du haut de la Légion Go. changer le câble et le port hdmi. Mettre à jour les pilotes. see more
  • EGS shared a 2024 review!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is still having a Winter sale, and while DICE awards games, EGS meanwhile shared their statistics for 2024. If you like such inside data, take a peek: A couple of interesting insights there: over one billion spent on PC games is impressive, and the total number of... see more
  • Co sądzicie o Lost Records: Bloom & Rage?
    Hej wszystkim! Wczoraj swoją premierę miała gra Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - trailer ma w sobie coś z serialu Stranger Things, przynajmniej ja odniosłam takie wrażenie 😀 A jak Wam się wydaje? Co sądzicie o grze? 🧐 see more
  • DICE Awards 2025 are in!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Earlier this week, the DICE Awards 2025 announced their winners, so now we have one more award to compare to the others. There are a lot of them going around... 😅 No big surprises there, Astro Bot won the GOTY award, coming before Balatro, Black Myth: Wukong and... see more
  • Mozilla repousse la fin de Firefox sur Windows 7 et 8.1 : un sursis jusqu’en 2025
    Au moins ils font - chier que Microsoft a nous forcer a passer a W11 see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DracoTarot Tat's a horror film scenario waiting to happen 😅 Well, scientifically speaking, a singular occurrence may not be representative of the trend, we'd need to wait a few years and monitor the weather to check if and how things are changing, or if the weather this year is more of a... see more
  • Grudniowa Tabela Medalowa Zawodów Legion 🥇
    @Aaricia Brawa dla poszczególnych zwycięzców oraz całej polskiej społeczności! 👏 see more
  • 22/2/25: #GameTogether GLOBAL: SKRIBBL.IO
    @OursGarou 🤣🤣🤣 Es demasiado exigente...yo también tengo complejo de no ser suficiente para él.... * Cry Cry Cry * @Blackgem ¡¡Efectivamente!! Se podrán observar Saturno, Mercurio, Neptuno, Venus, Urano, Júpiter y Marte en línea después del atardecer, un suceso que no volverá a repetirse... see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    lądowanie -> powrót see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DracoTarot It probably depends on what exactly you want to upgrade, and to what level. Maybe if you gradually upgrade your setup "bit by bit" rather than a lot at once with an upgrade kit, it would not cost as much? It is good that you have someone who would enjoy trying it out, those games are... see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    I am now officially stuck in the amazon (I know, it's bad, but accessible), kettle-swamp. I like to get a game for release day, maybe just not buying it *laughs in sponsored games* Ah yes, perhaps it would be better as such. I sometimes am so low on energy that those are the only games I... see more
  • Welcome to #HerLegionClan 2-Year Celebratory Tournament! Participate & WIN!
    @GoLLuM13 idk 😅😅😂😂😂 see more
  • Copenhagen Gaming Week?
    @DoctorEldritch I did. I was in the middle of writing a long post when it suddenly disappeared after I tabbed out here though. So I will write my experience and post later /another day I think. see more
  • Crossovers in Gaming
    I usually don't like these crossovers, since they create inconsistent artwork that takes you out of the game and turns the game into a big ad. see more