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  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    Bonjour ! Ça se passe à Phoenix, dans l'Arizona. Une école va remplacer l'humain enseignant par une IA spécialisée des septembres 2025 Je me dis que c'est un test pour voir, mais je viens d'apprendre qu'il y a déjà plein d'écoles qui ont passé le cap. Privée et publique ! Et pas que des... see more
  • Steam Coop Fest
    ¡¡Saludos Legionaires!! (no es una falta, es que hoy me ha dado por escribirlo asi! XD) Este era el evento de Steam que estábamos esperando... 😎 El "festival" de los juegos de cooperativos (en local y más allá) Comparto página y trailer (toma ya, con trailer y todo) con los juegos de... see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is having a Winter Sale: A decent selection, but the biggest discounts are for older games. I get it, but not much here is very new, and most discounts for decent more recent games are not big enough to make me want to buy. But that's me, maybe someone will find... see more
  • Steam is having a Couch Co-Op Fest 2025!
    Hello Legion Gamers! EGS is having its Winter sale, and Steam is not falling far behind and is having a Couch Co-Op Fest 2025! It focuses on the games that you can play together with friends, either cooperatively or even in the same room. @GoLLuM13 and @skydsgaard this could be good for... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 25 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep is out today!
    Hello Legion Gamers! A call out to all Witcher fans: The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep is out today! Based on "A Little Sacrifice" story from the books (and taking place between the 5th and 6th episodes of the main Netflix series for those who follow that sort of thing), it tells a story of a... see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 24 Janvier
    Salut ! Suite à la fin de notre Série Un jour dans l'histoire du JV Je vous propose une toute nouvelle série journalière pendant laquelle nous allons remonter le temps et voir tous les évènements historiques survenus à travers les âges sur notre belle planète ! Nous entrons dans le Vif... see more
  • Intel® Extreme Masters Katowice 2025 - oto, co się działo!
    Hej wszystkim! W zeszłym tygodniu zapraszaliśmy Was na Intel® Extreme Masters, odbywający się w miniony weekend tradycyjnie w katowickim Spodku. Jeśli nie udało Wam się dotrzeć do Katowic, oto małe sprawozdanie z tego, co się działo na IEM! Piątek: emocjonujący start see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    I’ll actually make a Simu Liu shrine if this movie leads to a Sleeping Dogs sequel. Easily one of the best open-world games out there 😤 see more
  • Welcome to the 📖 Legion Book Club 📖
    Well, it looks like I’m already halfway to British citizenship based on this passage 😂 Milk tea just hits different 😌 see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @CandelaSynth I haven’t played Citizen Sleeper yet, but it’s on my radar now 😁 It seems to have vibes similar to Disco Elysium, which I absolutely adored. see more
  • gamescom 2024: Check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 gameplay!
    Lmao that’s some next level immersion 😂 I’ll be disappointed if the next Splinter Cell doesn’t have this smell mechanic. see more
  • Zagrajmy w skojarzenia!
    krokodyl - > Klara see more
  • Check out the The Game Awards 2024!
    @DoctorEldritch I am 😭 Grinding like there's no tomorrow in the Arena 😅 And yeah, I think playing Infinite Wealth before Pirate Yakuza is the way to go. Oof, Bend Studio just can’t catch a break. Every time I read about them, it’s either bad news or the ex-director of Days Gone going on a tirade... see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @DoctorEldritch It’s just a preference thing 😄 Not sure why, but I enjoy text heavy games more on handheld devices. Also, Persona works well for me in small chunks, which I think a small device is perfect for. see more
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @DoctorEldritch I really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden 2 (my fingers didn't 😭). It’s an incredibly difficult but satisfying game. From what little I've seen of the remaster, it looks great visually. The story isn’t much to write home about, but I think it’s on Game Pass, so maybe give it a shot and see if... see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    Recién subido, sin procesar. see more