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  • Zapraszamy na 8-mą, Mikołajkową edycję Turnieju Fortnite!
    Hej wszystkim! Mam dla Was wesołą nowinę 🎄- Wasz ulubiony Turniej Fortnite powraca i to w sam raz na Mikołajki! Przed nami już 8. edycja, jak zwykle prowadzona przez naszego wspaniałego gospodarza @hajtv i komentowana przez gościa specjalnego @Kamstar ! Macie ochotę dołączyć? Zasady... see more
  • Konkurs - stwórz gabinet gamingowy dla Akwamaryny w The Sims 4!
    Hej wszystkim! Pamiętamy, jak wspaniale bawiliście się podczas projektowania Domu Gamingowej Gwiazdy w zeszłym roku, mamy więc dla Was niespodziankę! Tym razem będziecie mogli zaprojektować gabinet gamingowy dla samej Akwamaryny! 🤩 Zasady konkursu Wystarczy pobrać grę The Sims 4... see more
  • ENTREVISTA a los creadores de NEVA
    Querida comunidad ✍ Esta semana tuve el placer de charlar con Conrad Roset, el director artístico de Neva y uno de los tres pilares que crearon Nomada Studio. A continuación os dejo una transcripción de nuestra conversación donde nos brinda más información sobre Nomada, Gris y su último... see more
  • How to Participate in #HerLegionClanxEvetech
    The wait is over, gamers! 🎮 Join #HerLegion Clan ZA with Lenovo, in partnership with Evetech, for TWO epic livestreams celebrating women in gaming! 💡 What to Expect: ✨ Inspiring stories and expert gaming tips from South Africa’s top female streamers ✨ Exciting prizes, including exclusive... see more
  • Oursgarou a encore frappé : Lenovo Legion R45W-30
    Bon bon bon. L' @OursGarou vient de me faire parvenir un nouveau colis. Ca va, c'est pas trop encombrant. J'ai dû tirer la rallonge de ma table. TADAAAAAAAA ! Allez on sort son courage et on déballe : La connectique est moins fournie que sur le premier écran que j'avais reçu. On va à... see more
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is released today!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Good news for all Fallout/Metro/original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans out there: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is finally getting released today! The release had a few quirks: the first-day patch is 139 GB, with the game itself being 146 GB. I guess the game has many... see more
  • GOTY 2024
    Hey everyone! We are almost at the end of 2024 and so it's time for the GAME AWARDS! I found the official video where they show all the nominees for all the categories! Who are you supporting and why? see more
  • Check out the 3 Black Friday sales!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Black Friday is almost upon us, and it is marked by sales galore! Not one, not two, but three sales are happening right now, so chances to find something new to play for cheap or to finally buy the game you wanted lor less are high! Check them out: Steam Autumn Sale till... see more
  • Mail et Calendar sous Windows 11, le clap de fin est fixé au 31 décembre prochain
    Microsoft s’apprête à clore le chapitre de deux applications populaire de Windows, Mail et Calendar. Cela va concerner tous les PCs sur Windows 11 en fin d’année. Dès le 31 décembre prochain, ces applications ne seront plus prise en charge, marquant ainsi une transition vers la nouvelle... see more
  • Limbo و Inside
    انا عارفة اني جاية متأخر وممكن كتير ممكن يكون عارفهم بس انا لسة عارفة اللعبتين دول من كام يوم واتسحلت جامد!!! انا شخصياً عجباني Inside اكتر من Limbo مع ان الاتنين من نفس الcreators ​​​​​​​احكولي لو لعبتوهم او ايه العاب شبههم بتحبوها؟ see more
  • What did you get between the Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
    Hello everyone, we just ad a very exciting week for those who are looking for some good deals! This time I did not buy anything, trying to save up a bit, but what about you guys? Let's share the best deals you have been able to get! see more
  • How to train your Dragon Live Action Trailer
    Hello everyone! not sure if you have ever watched the How to train your dragon movies, if you have not you should! The live action is coming soon and the trailer is now online! I am going to the cinema for sure, what about you? Do you like live action movies? see more
  • Który element z Jetsonów powinien się spełnić?
    Hej wszystkim! Każdy z nas zapewne pamięta świat Jetsonów - świat przyszłości, w której George i Jane posiadali osobistego robota do pomocy w domu, przemieszczali się za pomocą samo-sterujących pojazdów czy też pracowali zdalnie poprzez telekonferencję 🤓 To co kiedyś wydawało nam się... see more
  • Co będzie walutą przyszłości? 💸
    Hej wszystkim! Zgodnie z naszymi "przyszłościowymi" dyskusjami o kolonizacji innych planet, czas na rozmowę na temat tego, jak będzie wyglądać waluta przyszłości. Waluty zmieniały się na przełomie stuleci, od wymiany materiałów, przez muszelki, kamyczki, po monety z różnych metali, banknoty no i... see more
  • Apex Legends New season is out!
    Hello everyone! The 23rd season of Apex Legends is out and the first impressions are very positive! If you have never played it, it is probably the most complete battle royale and also the most complicated considering all its mechanics. In my opinion, it is a great game, give it a try if you... see more
  • THE GAME AWARDS 2024 Nominees Announced!
    Hello Legion Gamers! It's that time of the year again, and THE GAME AWARDS 2024 voting has begun! Yesterday the nominees were announced: The leaders in categories this year are Astro Bot and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, those two are tied with 7 nominations each. The rest of the games have... see more
  • Squid Games Season 2
    Hi everyone, I just watched the trailer of the Season 2 of Squid Games and that reminded me that I still have to watch the first season! LOL I am not sure why, but sometimes I avoid the series that generate a huge hype when they come out.... however, have you watched the first season? Is it... see more
  • Nuove cuffie "gaming" in arrivo - gran cambiamento
    Ciao, parto subito con una domanda, voi che giocate, soprattutto per chi gioca a giochi come COD dove i passi sono quasi fondamentali ma che da anni non si sentono più molto, con che cuffie giocate? Diversi anni fa, con i primi cod, ho sempre giocato con cuffie in ear, poi sono passato ai... see more
  • غياب حدث Legion Friday
    مساء الورد يا أصدقائى 🌺 لما انضميت لمجتمع ليجيون عرفت إنه فيه حدث إسمه Legion Friday بيتعمل كل يوم جمعة فى الشهر ولكن من يوم ما انضميت والحدث مااتعملش ولا مره. هل الحدث اتلغى من المجتمع خلاص ولا إيه اللى حصل 😅 see more
  • Medagliere Legion Ottobre 2024🥇
    Ciao a tutti, ormai è consolidata questa settimana di ritardo da parte mia nel condividere la medalboard del mese precedente ahaha Nel mese di Ottobre troviamo in top 50 @Kaywen @Ken3cento @Lascax @GLaDOS @SirLongoVZ @gorkem @AgariciRo Dunque ben 7 di voi, niente male!!! ⭐ Top 50... see more