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  • gamescom 2024: Check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 gameplay!
    That's such a great description of the night goggles 😂 Can't wait to see Sam spreading coronavirus before attempting his missions. see more
  • For Persona 3 fans: check out the anniversary poster!
    @DoctorEldritch LMAO I’d love to do that 😂 @iuiu Oh wow, whenever there’s a Persona related conversation, it’s usually P3 and P4 that come up for having the best stories. Now I’m intrigued by P2. Does it still hold up well after all this time? see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @CandelaSynth @Telomina Not only is Disco Elysium incredibly entertaining, but the story behind its dev studio is just as intriguing and sad. If you’re interested in game development, the downfall of ZA/UM is a must read. see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 28 Janvier
    see more
  • Quiz Lenovo Legion
    @Marcelek poszukam i zobaczę, co jest dostępne na wyspie, mój HDD ma aktualnie 4TB (myślałam, że 1 🙈 ) więc przydałoby się coś dwa razy większego, żeby było na przyszłość 😂 see more
  • Check out the State of Play Livestream!
    My interest in Dave the Diver has suddenly peaked 😂 And yeah, Shinobi looks FABULOUS! @GoLLuM13 I audibly sighed when Days Gone Remastered showed up. So many great IPs are waiting to be revived, but nope, we just get remasters and remakes of games that already have great visual fidelity.... see more
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @DoctorEldritch Yeah, it’s around that level. But compared to the Souls games, it offers different difficulty options 😄 I’ve played Darksiders 2, but for some reason, I never tried the first one. Would you say it’s better than DS2? see more
  • بودكاست خاص بيوم المرأة: اسألوا قائدات #هي_ليجن
    من وجهة نظري اعتقد ان اكبر تحدي بيواجه اللاعبين هو المنافسة وده بسبب انضمام الآلاف من اللاعبين المبدعين الجدد إلى المنصات كل يوم، وممكن يكون من الصعب التميز. وعشان كده لازم علي اللاعبين الناجحين الابتكار والتجديد باستمرار وإيجاد طرق جديدة لإشراك جمهورهم وتجديد حماسهم see more
  • Miłych Walentynek! 💜
    Hej wszystkim! Chciałam życzyć Wam wszystkim miłych Walentynek - życzę dużo uśmiechu, szczęścia i miłości! 🤗 see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 29 Janvier
    J'ai quelques attentes pour Neuralink ! see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    @Badfluffy il y a même des cas d'autisme provoqué chez les enfants qui utilisent la tablette très tôt. see more
  • Feliz día de San Valentín
    Para quien lo celebre...yo soy más de Halloween y de hardcore techno XD Pero a nadie le amarga un dulce...¡¡asi que comeros unos bombones-unas fresas con nata aunque estéis solteros!! <iframe src="" width="480" height="480" style="" frameBorder="0"... see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    @Blackgem Si, está chulísimo, la verdad es que me han entrado ganas de jugarlo. ¿Cuando se cierra la beta? 👀 see more
  • [Série] La Machine à remonter le temps ! 30 Janvier
    2025 Les procédures de défense planétaire mondiale déclenchées pour la première fois après que l'astéroïde 2024 YR4 de 100 mètres a été découvert comme ayant 1,3 % de chances de frapper la Terre en 2032 : On stresse que l'Homme mette fin à notre civilisation alors qu'un petit cailloux va s'en... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Foule --> Massacre see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @SKYTRiXSHA Now I want to look into how many species of mosquitoes Finland has and if they differ. Could be that it is a different kind of mosquito, but it could also be that difference in the environment and temperature is affecting their feeding behaviour. Will be interesting to check... Ah,... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DracoTarot Maybe if you build yourself a gazebo surrounded by lavender bushes, it would be close enough? see more
  • Petite présentation
    @Heropon Hello et bienvenu !!!!! Je suis ravi de te voir parmi nous ! 😁 Nous avons de nombreux fans et possesseurs de la Legion GO sur notre communauté et je suis certain qu'ils se feront un grand plaisir d'échanger avec toi. Si tu as la moindre question tag moi ou MP moi. 😊 see more
  • Try Green Hell for free this weekend!
    @DracoTarot I am not sure how the point system works, what about if the game is on sale, do you then spend less points on it compared to when it is not, or it does not matter? Call of Duty Warzone is 837 gigs? Seriously? 😱 That's so heavy... I feel for you. Maybe Call of Duty Warzone has... see more