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  • La vostra playlist musicale da gaming!
    Ciao a tutti, immagino sappiate esistono su YouTube delle playlist con "musica da gaming", ma mi chiedevo se voi ascoltasse playlist in particolare o se ascoltate musica normale ecco! in generale, ascoltate mai qualcosa mentre giocate? see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @DoctorEldritch ah, then I can definitely get why you didn't really like "How I met your mother". A mix of games, today I actually played an upcoming small student-dev team's game. But I will write more about that in another thread. I got my mouse for free, one cannot be picky when it's... see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 13-20 February!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Epic Games Store offers games for free every week. This week, the free games are... Apex Legends™: Loba Free Unlock Bundle Grab the Loba Free Unlock Bundle and drop straight into Apex Legends: Takeover, for energetic mayhem and fun. The bundle includes: Loba unlocked... see more
  • Legion Go lentissimo
    @Piz ciao, lasciami taggare il nostro esperto @Lascax son sicuro che saprà aiutarti! see more
  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    we need a picture here! see more
  • Vorrei un volante!
    @SirLongoVZ eh capito, cifra che raddoppi se devi buildare anche il pc, almeno! see more
  • Call of Duty si può salvare?
    @SirLongoVZ il problema è che nell'opzione Console Only ti aspetti di giocare con la gente di xbox, ma no, PC con gamepass, che circo. see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    I imagined you like this: Oh, this is interesting. Like what games, for example, if it is not a trade secret? Aww, but it is so cute and small and innocent and cuddly. Maybe it was this experience that made the goat go into the whole cult business: see more
  • Nuove cuffie "gaming" in arrivo - gran cambiamento
    @SirLongoVZ ti fan male per la forma o per il suono? see more
    @SirLongoVZ non so, i cod con i salti li ho trovati super esagerati. Posso capire che piacciano a quelli super skillati, ma li ho sempre trovati too much come meccanica see more
  • It takes two UN CAPOLAVORO
    @SirLongoVZ devo ammettere che siamo stati entrambi molto bravi, carrio di più alcuni elementi che giocano a cod da 10 anni see more
  • Nuovo monitor - quale prendere? (mi servono consigli)
    @SirLongoVZ sicuro non diminuisca la qualità visiva? see more
    @SirLongoVZ sono curioso di vedere che prezzi avranno le schede rog et simili! see more
  • Collecting Pokèmon Cards
    @DracoTarot yeah honestly Magic for me is just playing the game, I do not care about collecting or making money out of it! I will be just happy to have 4 good decks and that is it! while Pokemon is the opposite, I do not play it, but I like to collect some of them! see more
  • Safe in Our World Charity Bundle 2025
    @Telomina That is indeed what happened, I tried watching it for the first time, I dunno, maybe 3 or 4 years ago? And then it did not click. But I want to say age alone is not always a factor, I mean, Yes, Minister is much older than that, but it can still give modern sitcoms a run for their money.... see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Jeux --> Plateau see more
  • [IA] Les professeurs d'école remplacés par des IA dés septembre 2025 dans une ville américaine
    Perso j'ai le filtre actif la nuit et bof, bon oui c'est - blanc mais cela te tue quand même les yeux . see more
  • EGS is having a Winter Sale!
    That, they do get too 😅 Some codes here, some codes there, codes for everyone! Often when a new game launches that I get extra codes. But sometimes I get also from play-testing for companies. I can share it, tadaaa. ooh, actually, "bring your goat to work day" sounds like fun. I should do... see more
  • كمبيوتر الاحلام!
    @Khloud ربنا يكرمك بيه إن شاء الله ولباقي الأعضاء ! ❤️✨💙🌸 see more