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  • Epic Games : "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™"
    @Valiguard de rien, ils ont décidé d'ajouter Humankind à la dernière minute 😝 see more
  • [Humble Choice] On saute un mois en février avec Immortals of Aveum, Griftlands et Naheulbeuk Dungeon Master
    Le mois dernier était top même si j'ai pas craqué, mais alors là en effet y a vraiment pas un jeu qui me tente :D Aller, Trepang² est plutôt sympa, mais bon. see more
  • Epic Games : "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™"
    Merci je prends ! see more
  • Epic Games : "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™"
    Pour la semaine du 06 au 13 février, Epic Games nous offrira le jeu "Beyond Blue" et "HUMANKIND™" en Edition Standard >>Beyond Blue<< Beyond Blue est une aventure narrative en solo qui vous plonge dans le cœur bleu battant de notre planète. Explorez les merveilles et les mystères sans... see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out!
    @korowiof old is relative, I am not that young either anymore 😅 But this is how I usually do it, I like all content to be in the game from the start when I play it. see more
  • Uelàh, ragazzuoli!!
    @BENNiGaming Eh sì, è un po' impegnativo, ma ti assicuro che con le mod giuste è immersivo ai livelli di Blade & Sorcery ( e anche di più: c'è per esempio persino una mod che ti permette di farti portare pietanze, posate e bevande nelle taverne ). Se mai avrai voglia di fare un tentativo ti dò... see more
  • 7/2/25: #GameTogether GLOBAL: Multiversus
    @j7schultz jejejje asi llevo yo años !!! Si no puedo asistir cuentalo todo por favor!!! Por cierto esta bien nuestra reina que no juega? a mi la primera partida me encantaria que fuese acompañado de ti y @CandelaSynth ya que necesitaria bastante ayuda pero entre reinas del juego me podeis... see more
  • Najpiękniejsze przyjaźnie w grach
    Lambert, Lambert... see more
  • Kingdom Come 2 vs Avowed
    What about you ? which one will you try first? see more
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is out!
    @DoctorEldritch i am old, but never before taught this way. Thank you 😊. Will do the same see more
  • A chance to play Do No Harm before others!
    @DoctorEldritch Yeah, I find most things boring my friends do now, especially because some of them are more family-oriented. I think you can associate when I say when you get married and have children the whole concept changes. We have different types. I was kidding when I said even spiders are... see more
  • Ya disponible Benchmark y predescarga de la beta de Monster Hunter Wilds
    Yo ya hice algun testeo con el benchmark desde mi Lenovo LOQ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/ Así que no tenéis excusa para probarlo ahora en la beta de este fin de semana ^^. Yo ya lo tengo descargado para poner viciar mañana. Que habrá nuevos... see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    @DoctorEldritch I always wanted to play the game, I even got it on Steam but never launched it 👀 see more
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 2-9 January!
    @DoctorEldritch It would always be the worst part. I hate it with a passion especially if you unpacked things and found perfect spots for them and then have to find other perfect spots at other locations. 😂 I know what you mean. I guess the best place I will find happiness is somewhere in the... see more
  • A couple of new releases!
    Oh, and here is one more decent latest release for all Cyberpunk fans out there, Au Revoir: That's if you want a darker cyberpunk story while we're waiting for Nivalis 😉 see more
  • [Jeu] Le mot qui suit l'autre
    Carnaval--> Rio see more
  • A couple of new releases!
    @miskkie Well, I tried it out, and yeah, I'd say 17 is a bit steep for what it is now. I'd say wait for bigger discount, and who knows, maybe they will add some extra content, one of the things people do not like is that there is not enough of it right now, it seems. But you can get the first... see more
  • Sleeping Dogs: a sequel and a movie!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Good news for all Sleeping Dogs fans! To be honest, I am not sure how many of those there are here, it is a 2012 (2014 if you count Definitive Edition) game that did not get that popular, but later got a cult status for some gamers. It tells the story of an undercover cop in... see more
  • [GAMEPASS]: Febrero 2025
    @CandelaSynth segun aqui son unas 21 horas, lo cual ya no lo considero cortito XD. https://howlongtobeat.com/game/63099 Plant vs Zombies esta en gamepass para cuando lo queráis probar, varios de ellos. Carreras, ya el de Lego se fue... pero creo que esta el de Disney (meh), también tengo... see more