Avatar di Delux


Level 13
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  • 177
    "Mi Piace" Ricevuti

Dati Personali di Delux

Possiedi un dispositivo Legion attualmente? No
Che tipo di Gamer sei? Pro Gamer
Data Registrazione 06-03-23
Attività recenti 22 Ore Fa

Attività di Delux

  • Legion Fridays - June Winners!🏆
    @UnapologeticDino Thank you soo much❤ Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣9️⃣ Plenty of Words
    The word "tree" reminds me of tranquility, the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze, and the sense of rootedness and strength that trees symbolize in nature. It also brings to mind forests, seasons changing, and the beauty of natural landscapes. My word for you is "exploration" - - -... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣8️⃣ Show Me Your Last Screenshot! 📸
    @UnapologeticDino ​​​​​​​ I was trying to look for a good gaming laptop to buy and I took a screenshot of a tier list of the best 34 gaming laptops in 2023. channel: jarrod's Tech I was very happy to see that 4 of the 'S' tiers were from lenovo.❤ In essence, a gaming laptop tier list... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣7️⃣ What Will You Pick?
    @UnapologeticDino That sounds like an interesting challenge. If I could only choose three things to have with me for a whole year of cozying up at home with all necessities provided, Id probably choose: 1 Books: A variety of books to keep me entertained and intellectually stimulated... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣6️⃣ Share a Snapshot of Your Favorite Animal!🐾
    @UnapologeticDino Here's my rabbit🥰 Fun facts about rabbit: 1. Rabbits have 28 teeth that continually grow Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣5️⃣ Rhyme Chain 🎷
    @mazen18 gleam Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣2️⃣ Which Would You Rather?
    @UnapologeticDino Would you rather have the power to control NPCs in-game but lose control of your character temporarily, or have the ability to communicate with NPCs but not influence their actions? Ans- I'd rather have the ability to communicate with NPCs but not influence their actions.... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣1️⃣ Best Movie/ Series in 2024?
    @UnapologeticDino Dune: Part Two One of the best movies released in 2024 is "Dune: Part Two," directed by Denis Villeneuve. This sequel continues the story of Paul Atreides on the desert planet Arrakis. The film is praised for its amazing visuals, detailed world building, and strong... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣3️⃣ Ask Me Anything
    @UnapologeticDino ​​​​​​​ Here are some questions that I am really curious about😅 1. "If you could live in any video game world, which one would you choose and why?"🤔 2. "What's the most memorable gaming moment you've ever experienced?" 3. "Which game do you think has the best... Vedi altro
  • 9️⃣4️⃣ Word Train 🚃
    @Muzammil Ephemeral Vedi altro
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