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About CandelaSynth

Do you currently own a Legion device? Yes
What type of gamer are you? Pro Gamer
Join Date 22-03-23
Latest activity 12 Hours Ago

CandelaSynth's Activity

  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH hahahah, that´d be a cool idea for a thread: which classic games you´d like to see in Unreal 5? 🤓 I´m going to say Pacman, those poor ghosts will be terrified of the yellow entity trying to eat them!! 😝 Ps, that "Madlantis" certainly got my reminded me of Las Vegas... see more
  • Yesterday was Education Technology Day!
    @DoctorEldritch @Aaricia AR, XR and VR are becoming essential tools for learning difficult tasks like surgery. Here´s a small review on the subject. And thinking of the School of tomorrow, sometimes I wonder if devices like this will replace pen and paper soon: see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH yeah....I feel similarly with video games adaptations into film/series...In this case, to me is a red flag that the production team told the actors NOT to play the videogames. So yeah, it´ll be something completely different I imagine? Ps, I just watched the trailer, I didn´t think... see more
  • 🚨 Nintendo denuncia a PalWorld 🚨
    @Blackgem Cierto es!! Nos tocará esperar para descubrir a qué se refiere esta patente. Mientras tanto, en el universo PS...XD see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH hmmm, I´ve only watched someone playing "Like a Dragon", so we´re on the same boat XD I do love the humour though, the series is definitely on my list : ) Talking of series, what do you think of the upcoming live-action one? Would you be interested in watching it? see more
  • Enotria, an italian soulslike
    @Sarkhan Looks good!! : ) ​​​​​​​Is it set in Venice? Or more like inspired by it? : ) see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @AmrAli1 I thought it was nice, not amazing, but it had an alright story. The animation style was very nice, that´s for sure ; ) About robots, AI, and the future I liked this film: @GoLLuM13 Oh I seeeee, why to choose, eh? 😂 And what do you think about Secret Level? Excited? 😏 see more
    Hola @barba06 !! Gracias y opino lo mismo (y no te olvides de comentar el circuito para participar 😏) see more
    @SirMesan jajajajaj, me he echo un LOL con tu último comentario!! Anotado ; ) see more
    @sephirot642 Bieeen, nos vemos el viernes pues!! (haré evento en discord de todas formas, para que no digáis que no os mantengo informad@s 😝) @AmrAli1 Me encanta tu actitud rebelde, jeje Pues tienes toda la razón, muchas veces nos obsesionamos con el destino, pero lo importante es el... see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    @DoctorEldritch @ZaidH I didn´t know this was a thing! 😮 I have played action rpgs and turn based, but never heard of this genre. Is it more difficult compared to turn based? (just thinking about the time element, in turn based you can think, can you do the same here? heheh) Hi @miskkie... see more
    Hola @AmrAli1 ! Qué alegría verte por aquí (aunque ya sabes que el concurso es sólo para residentes en la península ibérica, no? XD). Ese circuito se ve impresionante, y lo de ser más fácil llegar que a cualquiera de Europa...pues depende de dónde estes 🤣 see more
    @sephirot642 😁😝 Vente este viernes a jugar a Core Keeper, no lo parece por su aspecto pixelado, pero engancha de mala manera XD 27/09/24: #GameTogether ESPAÑOLA Core Keeper - Legion Gaming Community ( (y a quien lea este comentario y se quiera unir, bienvenid@ sea también!!) see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @AmrAli1 you didn´t like Edgerunners? : 0 ​​​​​​​ @GoLLuM13 which one are you most excited about? 🤩 see more
  • Awaken - Astral Blade is coming out next month!
    @DoctorEldritch I like the art a lot 😍 Just seen this new (coop) Metroidvania coming out soon: (not a fan of those critters 😅) see more
  • Thank you everyone!
    @DoctorEldritch Thanks for the jokes, the cool games and series recommendations and for introducing the dilphins XD see more
    @sephirot642 Uyyyy, pues en ese circuito lo mismo se te revienta una rueda con una alcantarilla XD XD XD PD, a ver si nos haces una reseña 😏👀 @eljjota Así te veo el finde 😝 @Jessika19 see more
    @SirMesan ​​​​​​​Pilla pilla, pero recuerda que tienes que decir un circuito para participar ; ) see more
    @Vchamorro @YonkomonkY @Blablaybla @kimbo @Juankroi @JymSee @massaK @JAZZO @hra @Anezka @Odj Pues parece que van ganando Nurburgring y Monza de momento, mucha suerte a tod@s y gracias por participar 💪🤩 Punto positivo para @eljjota por originalidad (aunque desafortunadamente, este punto... see more
    @j7schultz Bueno, seguro que no se te daba tan mal, y al final todo es práctica ; ) ¡Monza es todo un clásico! Mucha suerte 🍀 see more
