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About CandelaSynth

Do you currently own a Legion device? Yes
What type of gamer are you? Pro Gamer
Join Date 22-03-23
Latest activity 10 Minutes Ago

CandelaSynth's Activity

  • Know any games to learn languages?
    @DoctorEldritch Hahahah, that Linquist FPS is hilarious 🤣 I didn´t know it, thanks for sharing! Regarding apps, I saw a polyglot recommending audio-based apps instead of visual ones (like Duolingo). He suggested this: App — Language Transfer (completely free) And for learning English... see more
    Muchas gracias @Jorge75esp ! 😊 Lo más importante para nosotr@s es que os lo hayáis pasado bien 🎉 Y aunque la final fuera ayer, no os olvidéis que aún tenemos un pedazo de monitor que regalar, asi que atento al foro el lunes...👀 see more
  • Ubisoft is in danger!!
    @JokerZida Oh! huge news! : O So by "internal investigation" do you think they mean in terms of performance/sales? or maybe even something darker? hmmmm 👀 Also, I don´t understand the amount of backlash they´ve got with their last Assassin´s´s based on a historical figure 🤷‍♀️... see more
  • Total War: EMPIRE Plants its Flag on iOS & Android in Autumn 2024
    @JokerZida @miskkie Have you played any of the Frostpunk games? Maybe they´re more of managing resources than strategy as such, but they look very interesting 🤓 PS, bet I´ll start seeing people on the tube playing TW XD XD see more
  • F1 2024 - Crónica de un despido anunciado
    @YeiCov Vaya....😓 ¿y cómo es que lo han despedido de esa manera? see more
    ¡Hola jugon@s! Esta semana ha estado cargadita de eventos videojuguiles (acá os dejo el enlace al resumen del State of Play escrito por nuestro querido @AmrAli1) y hoy mismo aconteció Xbox Tokio Games Show (que me lo chivó @Blackgem gracias mil por la info) ​​​​​​​ Después de ver el video os... see more
    Hola @raikiriwolf7 Bienvenid@ a la comunidad de videojuegos de Legion 😎 ​​​​​​​Qué foto de perfil tan chula, ¿eres tu? : ) see more
  • 🚨 Nintendo denuncia a PalWorld 🚨
    @Blackgem Pues la había en el UK, asi que ya podemos trabajar los dos en Palworld XD Las entrenarán con el vasto contenido que hay en cualquier plataforma, y habrá para todos los públicos, claro está. Hablando de eso, hace poco vi que DeepBrain ya tiene disponible a presentador@s de noticias... see more
    @j7schultz @Vchamorro @YonkomonkY @eljjota @Blablaybla @kimbo @Juankroi @JymSee @massaK @JAZZO @hra @Anezka @Odj @Mandosor @Jesusgl1 @SirMesan @sephirot642 @Jessika19 @neneheavy87 @hecto @HUGOPIMPAM @AmrAli1 @eclipse084 @srTrinoc @Ecco1983 @diroca @antox787 @dbl94 @Killer2406 @ZiroMT @Wrouston19... see more
  • Yesterday was Education Technology Day!
    @DoctorEldritch Last update about AR...could this be the next iteration of the smartphone? 🤔 see more
  • 🚨 Nintendo denuncia a PalWorld 🚨
    @Blackgem Oh nooo, la silla no está disponible!! Las compraron todas los de PalWorld 😭 (Aunque no soy muy fan de la rejilla, ese reposa cabezas-cuellos es precisamente lo que ando buscando!!) Vaya, qué pena, con lo bonito que es aprender un idioma (quizá con los traductores más avanzados se... see more
  • 🚨 Nintendo denuncia a PalWorld 🚨
    @Blackgem ¡¡Venezuela!! Eso si que no me lo esperaba : 0 Casualidades de la vida, estoy buscando una silla yo también, ¿cuál es la tuya y la del team PalWorld? 😊 PD, si quieres aprender japonés, prueba alguna de estas apps XD ​​​​​​​3 aplicaciones para aprender idiomas - Legion Gaming... see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH hahahah, that´d be a cool idea for a thread: which classic games you´d like to see in Unreal 5? 🤓 I´m going to say Pacman, those poor ghosts will be terrified of the yellow entity trying to eat them!! 😝 Ps, that "Madlantis" certainly got my reminded me of Las Vegas... see more
  • Yesterday was Education Technology Day!
    @DoctorEldritch @Aaricia AR, XR and VR are becoming essential tools for learning difficult tasks like surgery. Here´s a small review on the subject. And thinking of the School of tomorrow, sometimes I wonder if devices like this will replace pen and paper soon: see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH yeah....I feel similarly with video games adaptations into film/series...In this case, to me is a red flag that the production team told the actors NOT to play the videogames. So yeah, it´ll be something completely different I imagine? Ps, I just watched the trailer, I didn´t think... see more
  • 🚨 Nintendo denuncia a PalWorld 🚨
    @Blackgem Cierto es!! Nos tocará esperar para descubrir a qué se refiere esta patente. Mientras tanto, en el universo PS...XD see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    @ZaidH hmmm, I´ve only watched someone playing "Like a Dragon", so we´re on the same boat XD I do love the humour though, the series is definitely on my list : ) Talking of series, what do you think of the upcoming live-action one? Would you be interested in watching it? see more
  • Enotria, an italian soulslike
    @Sarkhan Looks good!! : ) ​​​​​​​Is it set in Venice? Or more like inspired by it? : ) see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @AmrAli1 I thought it was nice, not amazing, but it had an alright story. The animation style was very nice, that´s for sure ; ) About robots, AI, and the future I liked this film: @GoLLuM13 Oh I seeeee, why to choose, eh? 😂 And what do you think about Secret Level? Excited? 😏 see more
    Hola @barba06 !! Gracias y opino lo mismo (y no te olvides de comentar el circuito para participar 😏) see more

