Avatar di shaarkyygaming


Level 2
  • 1
    Messaggi Totali
  • 7
    "Mi Piace" Ricevuti

Dati Personali di shaarkyygaming

Possiedi un dispositivo Legion attualmente? No
Che tipo di Gamer sei? Pro Gamer
Data Registrazione 24-05-24
Attività recenti 1 Giorno Fa

Attività di shaarkyygaming

  • PG customization
    @Sarkhan Im am spending super long time in making characters, is not like im trying to make them looks like someone from movie, game or somewhere else, well i did it few times, but most of the time i want to look perfect in the way its going, and want to make it the best it could look in my... Vedi altro
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