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Informations de DoctorEldritch

Date d'inscription 06/10/2021
Dernière activité Il y a 1 heure

Activité de DoctorEldritch

  • W jakim innym kraju chcielibyście mieszkać i dlaczego?
    Hej wszystkim! W dzisiejszych czasach podróżowanie i odkrywanie obcych krajów stało się bardzo przystępne - wystarczy zebrać fundusze, po czym wsiąść w samolot, który przeniesie nas choćby i "na koniec świata". Dzięki tej możliwości odkrywamy nowe miejsca, a czasem przenosimy się do nich na... Voir plus
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 4-11 July!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Epic Games Store offers games for free every week. This week, the free game is... The Falconeer Soar through the skies aboard a majestic warbird, explore a stunning oceanic world and engage in epic aerial dogfights, in this BAFTA nominated air combat game from solo... Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - June 2024
    Hello Legion Gamers! June is over, Summer is in full swing, and it is time for the Medalboard! 😎Every month we have a medal board where members collect points by engaging in the community. (Check the bottom of the thread for more details)! Remember, the more you engage in the community, the... Voir plus
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    cough-Cyberpunk 2077-cough 😉 I think that here it may come down to the developer team. There are good indie games that are made by teams belonging to and passionate about their cultures like Tchia. But Ubisoft is a game-stamping behemoth made of, as they let us know in every AC game, "a... Voir plus
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    I am not sure even that is possible at this point. They'd have to redo quests and make new recordings and all. The situation with CoD I mentioned was ridiculous, but I am more sympathetic to the Japanese gamer's plight. And Japan is known to preserve their culture, so it is understandable how they... Voir plus
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    Oh yeah! I did not know about Tekken or Resident Evil 4, but when you mentioned Call of Duty I remembered that there was a story around it in Russia when they released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It has a mission called "No Russian" where you are a CIA agent and need to pretend to be an... Voir plus
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    @DracoTarot and @ramax a bit of development on this front, which is rather curious. Japanese players started a petition a few weeks ago demanding the cancellation of Assassin's Creed Shadows. You can sign it too if you know Japanese. They accuse Ubisoft of insulting Japanese culture and history... Voir plus
  • Get Satisfactory before the price rises!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Bit of a saving scoop! Later this year Coffee Stain Studios is planning to finally release the highly acclaimed game Satisfactory from Early Access. But before they do, the game price will increase! Luckily, the developers warned about it in advance. They explained that... Voir plus
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 I do know it 😉 I am not into service games, but I like to watch their update videos. Like this upcoming one: As for TMNT, that's very true, but I also want to point out that they play the nostalgia card hard. Voir plus
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek Wygląda pysznie! Ale trochę za duże dla mnie, prawdopodobnie przeznaczone do dzielenia się z przyjaciółmi... Tam, skąd pochodzę, bardziej popularne są mini-wersje. Małe bułeczki z makiem, często pokryte czekoladą: ​​​​​​​ Voir plus
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek Nie muszą to być zdjęcia własnego jedzenia, w Internecie jest wiele zdjęć, które można wykorzystać do pokazania, jak wyglądają potrawy. Voir plus
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Do falcons need enclosures? I am not sure how it works, falcon hunters probably have them, and those special gloves and little hats for the birds, but that is the whole profession. For guardian falcons, not sure what is needed. So yeah, probably best to try it out with a fake one first.... Voir plus
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek i @TrendaTen, macie zdjęcia tych potraw? Brzmią ładnie, ale patrzenie na zdjęcia jedzenia jest pocieszające. Voir plus
  • Gry przedstawiające inne kultury
    ​​​​​​​ Hej wszystkim! W tym miesiącu skupiamy się na kulturach naszego pięknego świata, i w związku z tym możemy tym razem podyskutować na temat różnych kultur, przedstawianych w grach. Jak wiadomo, wszystko co nam znane fascynuje nas w mniejszym stopniu, bo "mamy to na co dzień", natomiast... Voir plus
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    Hej wszystkim! Jak wiadomo, każdy kraj ma swoją dłuższą lub krótszą historię, pozostałości z przeszłości w postaci budynków, tradycji, a także i jedzenia 🤩 Jednym z najfajniejszych odkryć, podróżując do nowego kraju, może być poznanie lokalnego, niespotkanego dotychczas jedzenia. Jeśli chodzi... Voir plus
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Try it with the fake ones first. Pet falcon may be good in theory, but you may end up in a situation where you now have a loud bird that you also have to feed and groom 😅 Voir plus
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Free is the royal flush of game offers, nothing can beat that 😉 ​​​​​​​Good for you to try it out for free. Voir plus
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Fair enough. Or you could go for "highest rated", that could work too. Ah. Well, maybe she will like this one for light cartoonish style, but maybe not. TD games are generally not for everyone, and even within them, there are those that work and those that do not. Plants vs Zombies was... Voir plus
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Personally, I like the series and play every new release. And it is kid-friendly, you can play it with your niece. And they always have a lot of achievements connected to different pop culture trivia, that's a nice touch. But I am biased because I like it, to each his own. Still, I'd say... Voir plus







