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عن DoctorEldritch

تاريخ الانضمام 06-10-21
النشاط الاخير 2 Hours Ago

DoctorEldritch's Activity

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    @DracoTarot and @ramax a bit of development on this front, which is rather curious. Japanese players started a petition a few weeks ago demanding the cancellation of Assassin's Creed Shadows. You can sign it too if you know Japanese. They accuse Ubisoft of insulting Japanese culture and history... عرض المزيد
  • Get Satisfactory before the price rises!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Bit of a saving scoop! Later this year Coffee Stain Studios is planning to finally release the highly acclaimed game Satisfactory from Early Access. But before they do, the game price will increase! Luckily, the developers warned about it in advance. They explained that... عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 I do know it 😉 I am not into service games, but I like to watch their update videos. Like this upcoming one: As for TMNT, that's very true, but I also want to point out that they play the nostalgia card hard. عرض المزيد
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek Wygląda pysznie! Ale trochę za duże dla mnie, prawdopodobnie przeznaczone do dzielenia się z przyjaciółmi... Tam, skąd pochodzę, bardziej popularne są mini-wersje. Małe bułeczki z makiem, często pokryte czekoladą: ​​​​​​​ عرض المزيد
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek Nie muszą to być zdjęcia własnego jedzenia, w Internecie jest wiele zdjęć, które można wykorzystać do pokazania, jak wyglądają potrawy. عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Do falcons need enclosures? I am not sure how it works, falcon hunters probably have them, and those special gloves and little hats for the birds, but that is the whole profession. For guardian falcons, not sure what is needed. So yeah, probably best to try it out with a fake one first.... عرض المزيد
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    @Marcelek i @TrendaTen, macie zdjęcia tych potraw? Brzmią ładnie, ale patrzenie na zdjęcia jedzenia jest pocieszające. عرض المزيد
  • Gry przedstawiające inne kultury
    ​​​​​​​ Hej wszystkim! W tym miesiącu skupiamy się na kulturach naszego pięknego świata, i w związku z tym możemy tym razem podyskutować na temat różnych kultur, przedstawianych w grach. Jak wiadomo, wszystko co nam znane fascynuje nas w mniejszym stopniu, bo "mamy to na co dzień", natomiast... عرض المزيد
  • Tradycyjne dania w ojczystym kraju
    Hej wszystkim! Jak wiadomo, każdy kraj ma swoją dłuższą lub krótszą historię, pozostałości z przeszłości w postaci budynków, tradycji, a także i jedzenia 🤩 Jednym z najfajniejszych odkryć, podróżując do nowego kraju, może być poznanie lokalnego, niespotkanego dotychczas jedzenia. Jeśli chodzi... عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Try it with the fake ones first. Pet falcon may be good in theory, but you may end up in a situation where you now have a loud bird that you also have to feed and groom 😅 عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Free is the royal flush of game offers, nothing can beat that 😉 ​​​​​​​Good for you to try it out for free. عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Fair enough. Or you could go for "highest rated", that could work too. Ah. Well, maybe she will like this one for light cartoonish style, but maybe not. TD games are generally not for everyone, and even within them, there are those that work and those that do not. Plants vs Zombies was... عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Personally, I like the series and play every new release. And it is kid-friendly, you can play it with your niece. And they always have a lot of achievements connected to different pop culture trivia, that's a nice touch. But I am biased because I like it, to each his own. Still, I'd say... عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Ironhide studio is known for them, and Kingdom Rush itself is one of the best examples of the classic TD genre. The series is getting its 5th game soon, so they've been around for some time. It is likely you saw them somewhere over the years. عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @SKYTRiXSHA I was thinking maybe getting a bunch of green pigs so that the birds would be preoccupied with them, but slingshot may work too. Just need to keep it humane 😅 عرض المزيد
  • July 2024 : Selection of games to be released
    @GoLLuM13 Kingdom Rush is on mobile too, I think that's where they started. They offer it on many platforms now. عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Maybe you need one of those fake birds of prey on a wire and a stick, like the ones they put near the airports? Or maybe @SKYTRiXSHA has some advice to share, he is an expert at Angry Birds 😉 🐦 عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot I read some people advise to place these things around: Supposedly they look like predators and scare the birds away. Maybe it would work for you. عرض المزيد
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DracoTarot Your CD owls do not scare them? Other than that, people advise removing food and water sources, but I guess all neighbourhood needs to do it for this to work... عرض المزيد
