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Acerca de DoctorEldritch

Fecha de ingreso 06/10/2021
Última actividad Hace 1 hora

Actividad de DoctorEldritch

  • Conscript - co sądzicie o grze?
    Hej wszystkim! Dziś swoją premierę ma gra Conscript, według opisu jest to "survival horror utrzymany w duchu pierwszych części serii Silent Hill i Resident Evil". Jeśli ktoś więc lubi dać się porządnie nastraszyć, to jest to gra wręcz idealna 😀 A oto jak się prezentuje: Co sądzicie o... ver más
  • Neverness To Everness (NTE)!
    @JokerZida Well, for one, I tried the link that you pit in. And while these games are not really my cup of tea (not too much into mass multiplayer), I really liked the jazz music motif of the site 😊 So I dunno, I'l need to look into it, if the game has good jazz music that fits the overall vibe,... ver más
  • What is the best game you played in 2023?
    @Saka Maybe it is hard for WoW to find balance. I mean, with so many classes some are bound to be better than others. Granted, this is the case with most games these days that have classes. But given how old WoW is and all those patches and updates, it may now be too big to nimbly change? Or... ver más
  • Mały urlop 🌞
    @Sinber Elektryczność to świetna zabawa. Ale nie kładę kabli ani nie próbuję tego na sobie, bardziej interesuje mnie naturalna elektryczność i używanie jej na innych. Coś w tym rodzaju: ver más
  • Steam is having a Summer Sale!
    @Saka Witcher 2 for me felt a bit restrictive with their semi-linear chapter approach: there was indeed a bit of a gap between the level of area monsters and the power you could reach, I get it. How about Hogwarts Legacy? I remember once you learned a few good spells, it became very easy even on... ver más
  • Mały urlop 🌞
    @Marcelek Ogień jest szkodliwy dla środowiska. Bardziej interesuje mnie elektryczność. ​​​​​​​ ver más
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot Well, fingers crossed here comes your chance to close that Gestalt. 😉 ver más
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @ramax Ah, I remember you mentioned abandonware before. It is good to know that there are those here who remember those little gems. You know, after you mentioned it, it is interesting, I do not really like the isometric view if the character is controlled by a mouse (as in, you need to click... ver más
  • Mały urlop 🌞
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  • Neverness To Everness (NTE)!
    @JokerZida So is it like a more...urban version of Genshin Impact? ver más
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 18-25 July!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Epic Games Store offers games for free every week. This week, the free games are... Arcade Paradise Welcome to Arcade Paradise, the 90’s-fuelled retro arcade adventure. You play as Ashley, and you’ve just been given the keys to the family laundromat. Rather than... ver más
  • Mały urlop 🌞
    @Prywatny og @Marcelek ​​​​​​​ ver más
  • Check out a couple of animes!
    @AmrAli1 I am not sure why they did that in Onepunchman 2. Maybe it was money, maybe they were just lazy, but the result was not that good to me either. I stuck to manga after that. ver más
  • Check out a couple of animes!
    @AmrAli1 True about the studios, but I'd say altering manga is debatable. Take Onepunchman, for example: the first season was by Madhouse and they added to manga and filled in some things. Like the iconic training fight between Saitama and Genos, it was not as dynamic in the manga, and that famous... ver más
  • Check out Beetlejuice 2 trailer
    @DracoTarot I'd say they paint a fuller picture when it's about critics vs. popular opinion comparison, and you need to be increasingly aware of that these days, you know, with the amount companies spend on marketing these days. In games too, I mean, just recently Ubisoft confirmed that Star... ver más
  • TV news potpourri, part 2!
    Oh, I dunno... But yeah, I get you. This is why I always try to watch everything in the original voice cast with subtitles if I do not know the original language. ver más
  • Steam is having a Summer Sale!
    @Saka Makes sense. Personally, I play more for the story, so I do not mind switching to easier mode if I get stuck. That, or when the game wants you to grind for ages, I want that to be faster. But there are indeed games that do not offer much of a challenge, for example, in Assassin's Creed... ver más
  • What is the best game you played in 2023?
    @Saka You know, it's curious, after you mentioned that about the Shaman, I dug out those parody songs that Ian Ziraldo did about WoW classes years ago. You know, "That's the World of Warcraft That You Play!" songs. Here is the first one: He did two of those, the first one 17 years ago, and... ver más
  • Check out a couple of animes!
    @Saka I'd need to look into if there is some sort of watching guide telling what should be watched and what can be skipped. I'm sure there should be something like this. I am more worried about time commitment: as I mentioned to @AmrAli1, I have my current animes planned out, and I am not sure I'd... ver más
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @GoLLuM13 It was hard to get access to games back when, with all the CDs and such, so I ended up playing LBA2 first. But that game had a bug where in-game video scenes would not play, and I did not realise it right away because I was small back then, but I ended up missing some plot points. I still... ver más

