Avatar de DoctorEldritch


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Date d'inscription 06/10/2021
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Activité de DoctorEldritch

  • AI Image of Legion
    Oh my, where did they all run off to? And all the while the drones just hang in there motionless 😆 Voir plus
  • How can games be used to educate AI?
    @JokerZida Would that mean that the human element can be removed from the examination completely? As in, in the future, exams will be done by AI with no human meddling? On the one hand, it would ensure impartiality and fairness, but on the other, AI may lack flexibility in appreciating non-standard... Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - August 2024
    @Abdelsalam good job making it all the way up there! Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - August 2024
    @j7schultz You'd be surprised about what you can accomplish sleepwalking. If I had a penny for each time I woke up to find myself a ruler of an empire on a faraway planet or in the middle of a ritual to awake Cthulhu or a leader of a rebellion in an alternative dimension, well... I would not be a... Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - August 2024
    @j7schultz Maybe you sleepwalk so well that you go on stage and star in dramas while asleep? I fixed it now, thank you for spotting it. And now we see @Blackgem shiny medals, too! Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - August 2024
    @j7schultz Just shows how good you are: in two places at once and nothing gets past you 😉 I will look into it and fix it. Though it may be a simple case of evil doppelganger. Happens to me all the time 😅 Voir plus
  • AI Image of Legion
    @JokerZida Amidst the futuristic features I see elements of Art Deco. As a jazz guy, it warms my heart 😊 I wish some musical ambience could go with an image. With all the soldiers there, maybe something funky like from Cowboy Beebop: ​​​​​​​Which AI program did you use for this? Voir plus
  • How can video games be better used in schools or universities?
    @JokerZida I wish playing games could earn you skills like studying. As you said, it may develop critical thinking or micromanagement, no employer would accept you beating a game as evidence of skill, unlike a course certificate. Some games, especially ones aimed at education in the first place,... Voir plus
  • DoctorElditch is going on vacation!
    I suggested it may be more of a culinary discussion, but that did not land 😅 Maybe WoW cuisine does not use crustaceans... Voir plus
  • 🥇 Legion Medal Board - August 2024
    Hello Legion Gamers! August is over, Summer is gone, and September is here as we all greet Autumn. And it is time for the Medalboard again! 😎Every month we have a medal board where members collect points by engaging in the community. (Check the bottom of the thread for more details)! ... Voir plus
  • DoctorElditch is going on vacation!
    @Saka and @GoLLuM13 thank you, it is nice to be back. Voir plus
  • How can games be educational?
    For me, it was less about forcing and more about motivation to learn in this case. There is a specific example: long ago when I was a little kid and did not know English all that well, I was playing The Curse of Monkey Island. Back then, I was playing it in translation, not the original English. It... Voir plus
  • Star Wars™ Outlaws when you purchase an RTX 40
    Let us hope November's Black Friday will bring us more tempting and affordable offers... Voir plus
  • Check out Blizzard's WoW "Threads of Destiny" trailer!
    Oh, I dunno. One difference between arachnids and crustaceans is that the latter are edible and delicious. So an invasion of those would be like an all-you-can-eat lobster thermidor and crab rangoon buffet delivered to your doorstep, provided you can repel their invasion, of course. But a promise... Voir plus
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @ZaidH Yeah, though I read about it a long time ago, I do not remember what it was exactly anymore, I may need to dig it up again. If I remember correctly, I think the agency did not want to sell his likeness to video games anymore, but there could be more to it than that. Voir plus
  • The Borderlands movie is bad...people say.
    @DracoTarot UGGGGGHHH!!! indeed. I wonder why it is so hard for the games to get decent movie adaptations, you can literally count on one hand the times when it was done well enough, and even then it is more often animated shows (like Arcane or Cuphead Show). But games like Hitman or Mortal Kombat... Voir plus
  • DoctorElditch is going on vacation!
    @GoLLuM13, @Saka, @Aaricia and @ZaidH thank you for your wishes! I am back now! For the next couple of weeks anyway 😅 Voir plus
  • How can games be used to educate AI?
    Hello Legion Gamers! This week we looked at how games can be used in education, both leisurely with recreational gaming and more formally in schools. But we humans are not the only recipients of teaching through games: they may also be used to teach AIs. Of course, it is more common for AIs... Voir plus
  • How can video games be better used in schools or universities?
    Hello Legion Gamers! At the start of the week, we looked at how games can be used for education. But education comes (broadly speaking) in 2 main forms: formal and informal. And while informal education that you participate in at your leisure can make use of video games extensively, with... Voir plus
  • How can games be educational?
    Hello Legion Gamers! September is here, and traditionally here in Legion, this is the month when we think about learning and education, and how games can be used to help that. After all, interactive educational games are becoming more and more widespread: you can play a game specifically... Voir plus

