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About DoctorEldritch

Join Date 06-10-21
Latest activity 32 Minutes Ago

DoctorEldritch's Activity

  • Some series news, part 2
    @AmrAli1 It was voted the best anime at Japan Expo 2023, you know. Won the Daruma d'Or. And in addition to that, won the "best action anime" and "best direction" nominations. If that does not tempt you to watch it, I don't know what will 😉 see more
  • DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!
    Hello Legion Gamers! I will be taking some time off again. ​​​​​​​Once again, I am leaving you in the capable hands of our one and only @Aaricia, and I will see you all soon! see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @AmrAli1 Did you watch the first Edgerunners? see more
  • Space Marine 2 Giveaway
    Aww, it warms my heart to hear you say that, thank you. It is very kind of you 😊 see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @GoLLuM13 I really need to play the DMC games, I have not played any. I played most of Splinter Cell games so I can watch that series with no problem, but I've never played any games about Dante, I probably should before watching. They have that HD collection now, I should look into that. see more
  • Here is some series news
    @GoLLuM13, @ramax and @AmrAli1, it seems a bunch more animated series are coming up. see more
  • Some series news, part 2
    @GoLLuM13, @ramax, @ZaidH and @AmrAli1, and everyone else who likes series, here is another post about animated series. We already had one just earlier this week, but I just got a whole bunch of other releases in my notifications: Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is coming out on the 10th... see more
  • How many games from Eurogamer's list have you played?
    @ZaidH I am hoping it will be fine: my guess is Nintendo wanted to avoid the latest Zelda emulated so as not to lose on sales, which is fair. But Bloodborne is 10 years old, so it is unlikely emulating it at this point will affect sales considerably, if at all. Then again, you never know. I... see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    @ZaidH There may be a few decent games in the works. Gamescom 2024 showcased Stone of Madness, for example: But it is hard to tell how good it will be just from this. I mean, for TBT, The Lamplighters League looked good on paper but was not as good as I expected it to be. Though maybe it was a... see more
  • Mały urlop 🍁
    @Prywatny Do dzieła! Kto wie, ilu ich tam jest. see more
  • What are good RTT games?
    Hello Legion Gamers! Recently, @ZaidH and I appreciated the new Commandos: Origins trailer while talking about the Eurogamer top-100 games list. Commandos is an RTT game, short for real-time tactics, which is a bit of a rare breed genre these days, as opposed to, for example, TBT (turn-based... see more
  • Steam is having a Boomstock 2024 sale!
    @DracoTarot None at all? Even classics like Commanos or Worms? Those were around when we were wee kids. Now is a good time to grab Elderborn, with 80% off it's sold for peanuts 🥜 see more
  • Country music in games!
    @DracoTarot One could argue that Country and Metal may be on opposite sides of the spectrum vibe-wise, maybe that's why. But then I've also heard that there is such a genre as Country Metal. Not entirely sure what that sounds like, but I was told it's something like this: Maybe that's more... see more
  • Wasz ulubiony i najmniej lubiany przedmiot w szkole?
    ​​​​​​​ Hej wszystkim! Czasy szkoły już za większością z nas, chociaż tak naprawdę codziennie się czegoś uczymy, w mniejszym czy większym stopniu. Czasem jednak wracamy pamięcią do dawnych lat, kiedy ślęczało się wieczorami nad zeszytami i podręcznikami, uczyło do sprawdzianów i kartkówek, a... see more
  • God of War: Ragnarok is out today!
    Hello Legion Gamers! A bit of a reminder: God of War: Ragnarok is coming out on PC today! I wonder if it is an accident or by design that it is coming out on the same day as Twilight of The Gods, but this Thursday seems to be the Norse day 😉 Personally, I am looking forward to playing... see more
  • How many games from Eurogamer's list have you played?
    @Kubert Impressive list indeed, and quite different from mine, too! What about the games on the list that you have not played yet but want to try, see anything like that? see more
  • How many games from Eurogamer's list have you played?
    @ZaidH I hope there won't be what happened before with devs seeing the emulator company and shutting it down, that would be a shame... Ah, yes, the boat. I remember there was a bug that allowed Diver to pack it up with his comrades still inside and thus carry them in your "boat backpack". They... see more

