Avatar de DoctorEldritch


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Date d'inscription 06/10/2021
Dernière activité Il y a 7 minutes

Activité de DoctorEldritch

  • Mały urlop 🌞
    @TrendaTen Turystyka. Aspekty behawioralne i decyzyjne. Wykładam, co dzieje się w mózgu, gdy ludzie decydują się gdzieś podróżować i dlaczego podczas podróży zachowują się tak, a nie inaczej.​​​​​​​ Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot What other kind is there, I thought you always had to roast it, if it is based on beans? The instant one is not roasted. But then again, one could say instant one is not "coffee" either 😅 Voir plus
  • Mały urlop 🌞
    Oto ciekawostka: w prawdziwym życiu też jestem Doktorem. Nie medycznym, ale akademickim. 😉 Voir plus
  • Najbardziej niezwykła kultura, jaką poznaliście
    ​​​​​​​ Hej wszystkim! W ramach naszego "kulturalnego" miesiąca ciekawie byłoby porozmawiać o tym, jakie nieznane wcześniej kultury udało Wam się poznać, czy to podczas podróży, czy też napotkania ich przedstawicieli, podróżujących po naszym kraju 🙂 Jeśli o mnie chodzi, udało mi się... Voir plus
  • Conscript - co sądzicie o grze?
    @Sinber Wydaje mi się, że mechanika rozgrywki jest podobna. Otoczenie jest jednak inne, Darkwood to bardziej wiejski horror ludowy, podczas gdy Conscript opiera się na okropnościach wojny. Voir plus
  • Assassin's Creed Shadows premiere!
    @ZaidH That reminded me of this bit in Doctor Who: Something along the lines of: Fanbase: Yasuke is depicted as a samurai but historically he was not a samurai. Ubisoft: We acknowledge that this is a matter of debate and discussion. Fanbase: Well that's alright then! And so forth about... Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot Do you only drink it for its stimulating properties or do you also like the taste of it? Voir plus
  • Check out Beetlejuice 2 trailer
    @DracoTarot I suppose. We're in the age of "marketing opportunities"... Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot I did not mean them as a supplement but as a gardening option. All plants, camomile too, are more potent when picked up fresh. I do not drink coffee, I'm afraid. Could never acquire a taste for its, well, taste. I am more of a tea and all-close-to-it kind of person. Voir plus
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 18-25 July!
    @DracoTarot Do they really laugh? Voir plus
  • Check out Beetlejuice 2 trailer
    @DracoTarot I think it is sad that devs feel that they should advertise so much. Or put in a position where the industry expects them to. Then again, maybe it's just how it is now... Voir plus
  • Conscript - co sądzicie o grze?
    @Marcelek Najprawdopodobniej dowiemy się, kto to jest po premierze gry. Ale jeśli natknę się na to wcześniej, dam ci znać. Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot Ah yes, it does have that effect on me too, about being less productive. But there are other options besides camomile. I have not tried it myself, but I read that ashwagandha may help, and it may grow well enough in your area. Or if not, then lavender. Even if it does not help with the... Voir plus
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 18-25 July!
    @DracoTarot Then the game may provide a welcome distraction. We even have a saying where I am from, which goes something like "At this point in my life I watch horror movies for laughs". Voir plus
  • Steam is having a Summer Sale!
    @Saka I was surprised how many spells were designed to synergize with unforgivable spells, actually. Stupefy, Arresto Momentum, Flipendo and Expelliarmus all have that, that's a lot. It's like the game is pushing you to be evil 😈 What helped me was to upgrade most of the abilities before... Voir plus
  • Conscript - co sądzicie o grze?
    @Marcelek Opis gry brzmi następująco: During the First World War, a lone French soldier must navigate twisted trenches, scavenge for limited supplies and solve complex puzzles - all whilst fighting for survival in the midst of mankind’s most brutal and horrifying conflict. CONSCRIPT is a new... Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot You could try planting some camomile? Never quite worked for me, but people keep telling me it's calming. And if not, it has its uses in romantic divination, too. Voir plus
  • Epic Games Store Free Game 18-25 July!
    @DracoTarot If you grab it before Thursday, then you can test your bravery at any time for free. So even if it does not scare you, you did not spend money on it. So there's that. After all, these days ghosts and monsters are less scary than unnecessary expenses... 😉 Voir plus
  • Piranha Bytes is gone, but Gothic is not forgotten
    @DracoTarot patience is a rare virtue these days, that's true. But hey, the way it looks it is unlikely to be too demanding for hardware, and you may get a nostalgia trip out of it. Voir plus
  • What is the best game you played in 2023?
    @Saka But hey, at least on an objective artistic level, WoW now how you describe it is a semi-accurate metaphor for how the world is... Voir plus

