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About DoctorEldritch

Join Date 06-10-21
Latest activity 5 Hours Ago

DoctorEldritch's Activity

  • Here is some series news
    @ramax I don't really like PSs. You need a TV or a screen to play them, so I'd need to get that, too. And I am better with a keyboard than with a controller, despite my efforts to use it in some games after I bought it last year, but I am still not that good with it. Plus, TloU 2 is coming to PC... see more
  • Steam is having a Boomstock 2024 sale!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Steam is having a sale again, this time titled Boomstock 2024. They call it "a celebration of all Boomer Shooters and kick-ass action games in general, all connected by their love for the good old days of gaming, shining through in the games’ artstyle, gameplay, or both."... see more
  • Do you do any kind of art?
    @Saka I just found out about a new game and I remembered this thread. Last month, a game called Love is... came out. I could not find the trailer, so here is a gameplay example: It's a hidden object game that is fully hand-drawn by a South Korean artist called Puuung. I thought that you might... see more
  • Here is some series news
    @ramax I have not seen the first season yet. I want to play the game first, but in order to do that I am waiting for Part 2 to be ported to PC. I hear it's getting there in March. ​​​​​​​Which means that I may need to jam playing TLoU Parts 1 and 2 and watching the first season all into April 😅 see more
  • Here is some series news
    Hello Legion Gamers! Pardon the dad pun in the title 😅 Yesterday I posted that Twilight of The Gods animated series is coming out later this week, and now I wanted to mention a few (mostly game-based) series that will come out a little later. Starting with the second season of The Last of Us,... see more
  • Mały urlop 🍁
    Nieźle! A może „Private Eyes” Daryla Halla i Johna Oatesa? A może jest nawet piosenka country z „Prywatnym”? 😉 see more
  • Country music in games!
    Hello Legion Gamers! It's been a while since we had a musical post. Some of you may remember that yours truly likes jazz, or that @DracoTarot and @galadrielmt enjoy Metal, but today is the 17th of September: the day of the Country Music! Which actually may make it into the video games more... see more
  • Final Fantasy XVI - jak wrażenia po premierze?
    ​​​​​​​To jest mój problem. Nigdy nie grałem w żadne gry FF. Chciałbym, ale jest ich teraz tak wiele (niektóre niedostępne na PC) plus remastery i w ogóle, że nie wiem od czego zacząć. see more
  • Final Fantasy XVI - jak wrażenia po premierze?
    Hej wszystkim! Dziś miała miejsce premiera Steam szesnastej części bestsellerowej serii gier, która chyba chociażby ze słyszenia jest znana każdemu graczowi. Do tej pory jedynie posiadacze co niektórych konsol mogli się cieszyć nową serią przygód, teraz jest już ona dostępna dla wszystkich! A... see more
  • Mały urlop 🍁
    @Prywatny A co z „Private Dancer” śpiewanym przez Tinę Turner? 😉 see more
  • Twilight of The Gods is coming later this week!
    Hello Legion gamers! Just a brief update: some of you may remember the announcement of Zack Snyder's Twilight of The Gods announcement in June, or maybe you do not know or forgot about it. No matter what the case is, it's finally arriving to premiere on the 19th of September: So those of us... see more
  • How many games from Eurogamer's list have you played?
    @ZaidH To an extent, but I still did not catch up enough 😅 I read about that, I think the software is called shadPS4. There are some promising videos on how it is looking right now, here is one. But I will give it some time yet, they say that even though there is progress enough to be able to... see more
  • Space Marine 2 Giveaway
    @ChristianRasmussen Ah, right, there is that. Well, where there's a will there's a way, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I actually need to win anything first, which, though possible, is extremely unlikely 😅 see more
  • Yesterday was Programmer's Day!
    Considering that "Hello World" hails all the way back from 1978 and predates both me, you, and arguably most of the Legion gamers here, it may indeed be the case that it could be just a tiny bit outdated 😅 see more
  • Yesterday was Programmer's Day!
    A sage advice indeed. I'd never thought of that 😅 see more
  • Yesterday was Programmer's Day!
    What about those games that teach you how to code as a part of gameplay? Like what codemonkey is doing for kids, or maybe something like RoboCo? Who knows, maybe it could even be possible to introduce coding elements into an Angry Birds spinoff: Angry Birds: Coding Edition 😉 see more
  • Mały urlop 🍁
    @TrendaTen Cóż, każdy z nas ma swoje hobby 😅 see more
  • Yesterday was Programmer's Day!
    Hello Legion gamers! Yesterday, the 12th of September was Programmer's Day! Also known as the Day of the Programmer, is the international professional day that is celebrated on the 256th day of each year. Usually it's today, on the 13th of September, but we're in leap year this time around 😉 ... see more
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Reckoning of New York is out today!
    @DracoTarot That's true, it was a challenging time. But even before Covid, it had some hurdles, if recall correctly. It is good that them finally manged to reach the release, no matter what the result will be. It was only just released, the two first games have over 1000 votes each, so chances... see more
  • Total War: EMPIRE Plants its Flag on iOS & Android in Autumn 2024
    @JokerZida Ah, so you can pretend to be Vex from Destiny with their Infinite Forest simulations? 😉 see more

