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About DoctorEldritch

Join Date 06-10-21
Latest activity 18 Minutes Ago

DoctorEldritch's Activity

  • How can games be educational?
    For me, it was less about forcing and more about motivation to learn in this case. There is a specific example: long ago when I was a little kid and did not know English all that well, I was playing The Curse of Monkey Island. Back then, I was playing it in translation, not the original English. It... see more
  • Star Wars™ Outlaws when you purchase an RTX 40
    Let us hope November's Black Friday will bring us more tempting and affordable offers... see more
  • Check out Blizzard's WoW "Threads of Destiny" trailer!
    Oh, I dunno. One difference between arachnids and crustaceans is that the latter are edible and delicious. So an invasion of those would be like an all-you-can-eat lobster thermidor and crab rangoon buffet delivered to your doorstep, provided you can repel their invasion, of course. But a promise... see more
  • Farewell Game Informer...
    @ZaidH Yeah, though I read about it a long time ago, I do not remember what it was exactly anymore, I may need to dig it up again. If I remember correctly, I think the agency did not want to sell his likeness to video games anymore, but there could be more to it than that. see more
  • The Borderlands movie is bad...people say.
    @DracoTarot UGGGGGHHH!!! indeed. I wonder why it is so hard for the games to get decent movie adaptations, you can literally count on one hand the times when it was done well enough, and even then it is more often animated shows (like Arcane or Cuphead Show). But games like Hitman or Mortal Kombat... see more
  • DoctorElditch is going on vacation!
    @GoLLuM13, @Saka, @Aaricia and @ZaidH thank you for your wishes! I am back now! For the next couple of weeks anyway 😅 see more
  • How can games be used to educate AI?
    Hello Legion Gamers! This week we looked at how games can be used in education, both leisurely with recreational gaming and more formally in schools. But we humans are not the only recipients of teaching through games: they may also be used to teach AIs. Of course, it is more common for AIs... see more
  • How can video games be better used in schools or universities?
    Hello Legion Gamers! At the start of the week, we looked at how games can be used for education. But education comes (broadly speaking) in 2 main forms: formal and informal. And while informal education that you participate in at your leisure can make use of video games extensively, with... see more
  • How can games be educational?
    Hello Legion Gamers! September is here, and traditionally here in Legion, this is the month when we think about learning and education, and how games can be used to help that. After all, interactive educational games are becoming more and more widespread: you can play a game specifically... see more
  • Is VR Olympics possible?
    Hello Legion Gamers! Earlier this week we talked about how the Olympic Esports Games may look like. And we'll get to see it soon enough with 2025 fast approaching. But what about a bit more distant future? More precisely, will VR ever become advanced enough to be included in actual Olympic... see more
  • DoctorElditch is going on vacation!
    Hello Legion Gamers! Yours truly needs some R&R so I am going away on vacation. I am leaving you in the capable hands of our one and only @Aaricia, and I will see you all in a couple of weeks. ​​​​​​​ @GoLLuM13 and @Aapje, if either or both of you would be so kind as to post about EGS... see more
  • The Borderlands movie is bad...people say.
    @ZaidH, @DracoTarot and @Loras, on the movie front, this just in about Borderlands: see more
  • The Borderlands movie is bad...people say.
    @DracoTarot Do they actually chase people unprovoked? I hoped that, outside those crazy mating/offspring-watching seasons, snakes would rather flee than give chase to something larger than them? see more
  • Epic Games : "Gigantic: Rampage Edition" and "The Callisto Protocol"
    @GoLLuM13 Thank you for this! Gigantic: Rampage Edition could be interesting to play together sometime if enough people are interested. But The Callisto Protocol seems like "poor man's Dead Space", I mean, it only goes as far as Mixed on the Steam score. Cinematic, but did not seem to strike a... see more
  • The Borderlands movie is bad...people say.
    @DracoTarot C'est la vie. But illuminating about human society as a whole, this. Are animals he keeps poisonous? I know SA has cobras and vipers... see more







