iiamDragneeL's Avatar


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O iiamDragneeL

Czy posiadasz urządzenie firmy Legion? No
Jakim typem gracza jesteś? Casual
Data dołączenia 24-11-21
Ostatnia aktywność 1 Week Ago

iiamDragneeL's Activity

  • #HerLegion Clan ZA – Watch Now!
    If we talking about the legion community definitely would be the game together feature. Gives you the opportunity to meet some fantastic people and make new friends. On another hand I would say how welcoming the community is, definitely shows how awesome gamers are. zobacz więcej
  • #HerLegion Clan ZA – Watch Now!
    Favourite features has to be WIFI 6e, always need the best connection to compete especially when in high ping lobbies. the second would be the cold frost 5.0 Cooling, We know gaming laptops can get toasty which limits performance so this is super ideal. #HerLegion Clan ZA zobacz więcej
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