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About DracoTarot

Do you currently own a Legion device? Yes
What type of gamer are you? Casual
Join Date 17-03-21
Latest activity 7 Hours Ago

DracoTarot's Activity

  • Do you have any summer routine?
    @MustafaM7moud It's mostly what I do expect I do not sit on a roof. - - - Updated - - - @MustafaM7moud We will never drop the BBQ tradition. It's in your blood. Most people in SA will light a fire and throw some proteins on a grill, especially over weekends. Without it, we're lost. 😃 see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DoctorEldritch No a bad I dea. Maybe the fake birds of prey could work or I can get myself a Valcon as a pet. see more
  • Legion Fridays - June Winners!🏆
    Congratulations to everyone! Enjoy your prizes. 😉🏆🎁 see more
  • Do you have any summer routine?
    BBQs with my family are most important during the summer evenings. I also like to go to festivals and on nature walks. Most of my time will be spent outside, especially on weekends. see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DoctorEldritch Hadidas are very aware of their surroundings and the ones that are here seem to have gained the ability to recognize a treat. Those googly eyes will not suffice. Heck, they are not a tad scared of me and walk right past me and sometimes attack. Dogs and cats don't even scare them. ... see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DoctorEldritch We have a lot of Hididas in our neighbourhood and at night they like to come and sit on our rooftops. They are so annoying and do not scare easily. The game looks interesting. see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch I got a notification the headphones will arrive today. Yeah, I do not take any nonsense these days and will fight them with all I have especially if I know they are up to something. see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch That's why it's sometimes not a good move to change actors with one another when they are still alive especially if there are sequels. The raspiness was overwhelming. It sounded like he had a bad case of laryngitis. 😂 I sound like Batman today after fighting with customs.... see more
  • 9️⃣9️⃣ Plenty of Words
    Apart from trees being a vital source of life and part of the planet's sustainability, I think of trees in a more mythical sense and where I've seen some out-of-the-ordinary trees at places I've visited. In many myths, a tree is a vital part of the structure of the universe. Gods and their... see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch He has an impressive voice technique and yeah I agree it sounds much better. I had a hard time understanding Christian Bale when he starred as Batman. I couldn't hear some of his dialogue in the movie. Maybe it was the movie itself having some audio issues but most of the other... see more
  • I Won A Legion Laptop
    Congrats Bro! That's one sweet laptop. Good luck and all the best with your streaming career. Have loads of fun. 😉 see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch The series looks strange, and I won't watch it. I agree with you Rowan does not fit the role at all. I'd rather rewatch Holmes. It would be a good idea to integrate a voice manipulation device into his suit, then Batman doesn't have to struggle with altering his voice. The video... see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch Then I need to find a Torrent somewhere or ask someone if they do not have the episodes. I found a series where he played as a detective and his role seems to be more serious. Rowan Atkinson portrays the fictional French detective Jules Maigret in a feature-length drama for ITV... see more
  • A message to the community: Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! ✉
    @DoctorEldritch I'm sure they do use VPNs. The IPs I mention are usually made up. It seems to work as they go into panic mode and will block me or delete the whole conversation altogether. see more
  • A message to the community: Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! ✉
    @MrSnow It doesn't sound bad. I'm all for out-of-the-ordinary foods and recipes. I am not sure if Spam noodle soup would be available here to purchase in a supermarket. I guess I can try and make my own. 😂 see more
  • Positive Media Day: Batman!
    @DoctorEldritch I'm also not a big fan of the Venom movies. I expected more. My parents are more important to me at this stage. Our neighbourhood is also not the same anymore and riddled with crime. They would not be able to protect themselves and times are a bit hard for my parents... see more
  • A message to the community: Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! ✉
    @DoctorEldritch I like to respond to them, especially on WhatsApp. I go through the whole process with them except I do not click on links or share any info. Then I'll send them a fake template with a pin location traced to the IP address and let them know the authorities will be on their way soon.... see more
  • A message to the community: Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! ✉
    @DoctorEldritch see more
  • Finally, the headphones have arrived
    @muhmaed50913333 Congratulations my friend. They look awesome. Have loads of fun! 😊 see more
  • A message to the community: Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! ✉
    @MrSnow The only Spam I like comes in a can. 😄 Many thanks for the dedication and hard work keeping the community safe. I wish they would all go live on another planet and annoy each other. 😉 see more





