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About DracoTarot

Do you currently own a Legion device? Yes
What type of gamer are you? Casual
Join Date 17-03-21
Latest activity 7 Hours Ago

DracoTarot's Activity

  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch True the prices do go down but I still won't be in a position to pay for advanced or even old tech. The thing is here in SA shops and online stores would inflate the prices so much the discounted prices will be the same as when the product was first released. Makes no difference... see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch I know they are only kids, but it's only an example of how teens and adults react in the other videos. see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch Yea it's crazy. I think it's going to be less than ten years. I will never in my life reach that level and even if Lady Luck shines her light on me I wouldn't go that far and spend millions to upgrade a character or weapon skills. ​​​​​​​ see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch I've noticed some of the gamers who play Fortnite are young and they do not know much about metal bands or do not like the style of music. It seems they are more pop and rap-orientated. Here are some examples of what kids think about Disturbed music. Most other reaction videos... see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DoctorEldritch I'm not sure how they operate and how they and their customers are taxed. Eventually, most of these companies will be in the same boat. TEMU announced if SA would not be more lenient with taxes they would exit. The same happened to Mercedes Benz this week. They are closing... see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch I think it's time companies start marketing Hexa byte drives. I'm sure there are some wealthy gamers out there who would be able to purchase a few. 😁 see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch It would be nice if they would cater for many different genres. The forums are full of negatives about Metallica being part of Fortnite. So many people seem not to like the idea of rock bands being part of the outfit. see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch I'm with you on this one. see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch Fortnite forums would be a good start I guess. I think once Metallica makes an impact many other Fortnight players will share mutual thoughts with me. On the other hand, some gamers would not like the idea. ​​​​​​​ see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch Many gamers are complaining about the updates and abandoned Warzone due to this and the space required on their systems. see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch I remember Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish were part of it. I would like to see bands like Slipknot and Mushroom Head be part of it as well. I think they will fit in nicely. see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch They had the same story with Warzone and said the download size won't be huge. The game itself wasn't big but after playing for a while and all the updates that were released including add-ons and so forth, my current Warzone folder is 1.86 terabytes. ​​​​​​​ see more
  • 6th-10th of June: all events!
    @DoctorEldritch There are other companies I could purchase from but some are even more expensive. I could order one directly from Lenovo but I'm sure when it arrives in SA, customs will most definitely send me a tax declaration form and only give me seven days to pay. If I do not agree to the... see more
  • Metallica is coming to Fortnite!
    @DoctorEldritch Awesome! I do not play Fortnite but using bands as a marketing strategy is a good move from the developers. It would be great if they added more artists to the events. ​​​​​​​ see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch Fair enough at least it's still Dragon Age LOL!! I want to try it out. The problem is I would have to purchase another mechanical drive or Solid state. I only have so much space in my PC or I'd have to delete other titles to make room. see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch Looks like it. Imagine changing giving a game like Mortal Kombat another name. It would be weird indeed! I haven't watched it yet. I usually watch videos before bedtime and will make a point tonight. Did you see the new Call of Duty download size? A whopping 310gig without... see more
  • Legion Fridays - May Winners 🏆
    @nseralden Many thanks! 😁. Good luck with the next giveaway. see more
  • 9️⃣6️⃣ Share a Snapshot of Your Favorite Animal!🐾
    @M2lobaz 😂😎. Thanks, Bro. Hope you're doing great. see more
  • Check out Beetlejuice 2 trailer
    @DoctorEldritch I must confess I had a crush on Ricci and still do. That's why I can't get over the fact someone else is filling her role LOL!!! 😂 Well, I guess I would need to adapt to the new age. TAROT wasn't that bad. It wasn't brilliant and a bit overdone for my taste. The IMDb... see more
  • Dragon Age Dreadwolf is changing name
    @DoctorEldritch ​​​​​​​ see more



