ARK and Gloomhaven - tried these games? (Free until 29 Sep)

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  • MoriMoonpaw's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hi guys,

    I saw that ARK: Survival Evolved and Gloomhaven are free on Epic Games Store this week until Thu 29 Sep!

    I haven't tried Gloomhaven and it doesn't look like my type of game - have you played it and if so, what do you think? Something about it reminds me of Diablo... is it at all similar? 🤔

    I bought ARK: Survival Evolved a couple of months ago (wish I had waited until now lol) and I was semi-impressed. It looked really good, movement etc felt pretty good etc. but the learning curve was too high for me. I got a bit impatient and reluctantly abandoned the game at least for now. I think those with a bit more patience might really enjoy it! It has great reviews too.

    Have you tried ARK yet and if so, did you stick with it?

  • 5 Replies

  • zutopo's Avatar
    Level 10
    I tried ARK years ago I kinda left it after a few weeks. It was very grindy and overall not so fun after a couple dozen hours. On the surface it looks very interesting but fails to impress once you start playing.

    I haven't played it since then so I might do a quick tryout to see what has changed with the updates.
  • MoriMoonpaw's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @zutopo Let me know if you noticed any difference this time around, if you ended up trying it out again!

    Are there any other similar games you've tried that you like better? :)
  • zutopo's Avatar
    Level 10
    @MoriMoonpaw To be honest, I don't play online games that much nowadays mostly because I don't have the time for it so I stick with single player games (providing I find the time even for that lol). The only online game I still play for a few hours per week is Final Fantasy XIV and that is mostly because I have been playing it since the beta version in 2010 and still have many friends there.

    There aren't many open-world survival games that have the size of ARK (which is at the same time both a good and a bad thing), but I did play and really liked Subnautica and Raft. Both are open-world survival games but much smaller in size. I tried Rust also for a short period of time; I liked it but didn't play it for long.
  • MoriMoonpaw's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @zutopo Ahhh I've played FFXIV too, quite a lot a few years back, but then I moved back to WoW and all my time was spent there so FFXIV sort of got left behind. It's a lovely game and since I've played a few years ago there's been a lot of new content added, so I should check it out again. IF ONLY there were more hours in a day! 😄

  • zutopo's Avatar
    Level 10
    @MoriMoonpaw Haha, a 48h day wouldn't be enough 😂

    The last 2 expansions (Shadowbringers in 2019 and Endwalker in 2021) introduced a ton of new content so right now the entire game is literally massive. Endwalker is also the best expansion so far in my opinion since it's the bitter-sweet conclusion to the Hydaelyn-Zodiark saga that started all the way back in 2010. As they say, "it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey", and the FFXIV journey from 2010 to the epic conclusion is something I have never experienced in any MMO. Without spoiling anything, going from a fresh new adventurer who fights Ladybugs to the savior of the entire universe is something worth experiencing. And right now they started to unfold new chapters of the new saga that should run for several years.

    I have a Legacy account so I have been there and played through the rough start of FFXIV 1.0 and even cleared all content (only a handful of players ever did that), before the reboot with FFXIV ARR (2.0). I don't play the endgame content anymore as I cannot devote myself to the scheduled raids, but I still enjoy the MSQ and other casual stuff as they are being added. FFXIV is definitely a game I would recommend to anyone, even newcomers right now since there isn't a problem with clearing old content thanks to the daily roulette syncs and the community is mostly helpful.

    I played WoW from 2005 to 2009, but always had a love-hate relationship with it 😅 Played a ton of other online games at that time as well, but mostly stuck with FFXI before moving to FFXIV.