What game do you love that most players hate?

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  • James781's Avatar
    Level 9
    Share your games that you love but most gamers hate/dislike. For example, I used to love playing Blockstory - a parody of Minecraft. Everyone always hates them. they are worse. But I loved this game, it had an interesting plot and more different characters and mobs. None of my friends liked it :( I already chose all the other games based on reviews
  • 3 Replies

  • M2lobaz's Avatar
    Level 48
    Call of Duty Ghosts
    one of the most hated in the franchise, but I liked its campaign very much, I still wonder to this day what is the destiny of Logan, Hesh and Gabriel Rorke
    Hardly Adapting...Barely Surviving
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    I'm pretty sure some of you saw me coming 😂 The game that I L💙VE and that most players hate is "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege" don't get me wrong I get it, cheaters and toxic people (like on any other online game), some bugs/glitches here and there (once again like any other game 😜). Some people are hating it because "it was better before" better darker graphics (yeah, but we couldn't see anybody and died because of it), the gadgets aren't realistic anymore (I hear this every time there is a new agent)... and many other things,
    but let's be honest for 2 seconds, there isn't any other game like it, and if you take it for what it is, which means a video game of a competitive tactical FPS not a simulation, you'll have a good moment (and don't forget to block opponents chat, they don't help you anyway) 😁
  • James781's Avatar
    Level 9
    @GoLLuM13 "it was better before" always spoils various continuations of games. It's not just about games at all. The same films or cartoons. When remakes are made, thousands of people immediately hate with the words "it was better before" without, as it should be, real constructive criticism