Legion 5 Pro feels sluggish and gets low frame rates in games all of a sudden

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  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    it does, thank you for sharing!
  • Hamsandwich's Avatar
    Level 1
    If anyone else is still trying to solve this issue and nothing else has worked, I can give you a solution that worked for me. If you are using the stock charger that came with the laptop, when plugged in games tend to run better. But I found out with mine I always left the charger plugged in at 99% when I played and never understood why my games were running at 15 fps on average. Once I unplugged my charger and let the computer play on battery for a bit and plug the charger back in when some of the battery was used up the frame rate went back to 70 fps as it should run. It could be a overheating issue or maybe your just not supposed to leave it plugged in for a long time but I tried every other solution to fix my frame rate nothing worked and I’m a little frustrated that all it took was to unplug my computer for a little bit to solve it. Hope this helps some people because I wish someone would’ve told me this earlier.