Why use labels in gaming?

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  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @Dandorma I have experienced harassment a lot online, it never gets easier just because there's been a lot of it. I will also disagree that "female" is a description for me as a gamer, because nothing I do in the games I play is different from my male peers. Maybe with the exception of playing a Lalafell in FFXIV.

    Biologically, yes, I am a woman. There is no denying that. IRL it is one of the words describing me.

    The games I have always treated as a separate world though. The gender of the character in the game doesn't mean anything. Many guys actually play female characters. Some girls play male characters (yes, I have known some that did). I don't see any reason to disclose my gender to people I am not going to repeatedly play with.

    My native language makes it nearly impossible to talk without revealing gender, I've gotten a lot of nasty messages when playing on the servers with people speaking my native language. So I stopped. It was just not fun, no matter how many times I pressed the block button. Interacting in English is much easier for me, because it is gender neutral.

    If I do the same numbers as my male peers or even beat them, is it really going to matter what gender is the person is sitting behind the monitor? Why differentiate?

    I prefer other labels. For example I am a veteran healer, and that does describe my profile in games.

    Of course, that is my opinion. I am not taking the right away from other ladies to use whatever they want to describe themselves.
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
    *delete as appropriate
  • Dandorma's Avatar
    Level 9
    @Saka I'm sorry that was your experience in games specially in your native language. but me commenting was never to take the right from you or any lady, i thought we were talking about an article so they said female player. at the end i can't use a word that will make you feel bad or differentiated. but actually in my college females were treated far better than males just because they are females . so i never thought a word like this would have so much fuss about it. actually in the surrounding community i live in females are always treated in a respectable way even if she is not even respecting others. so i just did not want to wake up someday to discover calling a lady, a female is something would mark me as someone who is believing that males and females are in rivalry to prove who is better, and using it would make me superior or inferior. i believe we need each other, period.
    i hope you forgive me if any of my words hurt you or made you feel bad. but I'm and engineer so sometimes I really don't get the emotions right. hope you have a good time in life and in gaming. and maybe someday we meet in a game and know each other I'm sure you are more of a gamer than I AM.😂
    so go easy on me if we met in a game 😂😂😂😂