What's up with The Last of Us™ Part I?

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    Yesterday, The Last of Us™ Part I was released. I think. It is all very strange, I was looking forward to this release since I saw it in @Saka's thread about March releases, but...something seems to be wrong?

    The Last of Us™ Part I Steam page details that the game currently "only supports Japanese interface/voice for customers in Japan." And it does not end there: yesterday it had around 200+ reviews and was, I think, Positive on average (though I may be wrong), and today it is "Mostly Negative" with over 6K reviews. People report it was not optimized and ported well, and frequently crashes.

    It is all very confusing, and a bit disconcerting, and to make matters worse, it is hard to find reliable info about what is happening.

    It makes me worried as I was very much looking forward to this game, never played The Last of Us Does before. Now I do not know what to think. Does anyone know what is going on with that game? @Darklord2099, you mentioned you were excited about this game, do you maybe know anything?

  • 28 Replies

  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    From what I understood, there is a problem of optimization, especially above 60 fps limiting the game to 60 fps should at least diminish amplitude of the issue or at best fix it. I thought I did the subject here, but apparently it is one of those exclusive for the French community >>here<< as you can see the picture for the specs (it is in English, click it to see it wider) for 1080p 60 fps (recommended) you got to have at least (or an equivalent) a 3600X and a RTX2070S/RTX3600 or RX5800/RX6600 with 16GB of RAM and 100GB of SSD. The SSD is not optional, it's mandatory and I'm guessing that a lot of people speaking about seeing a loading logo instead of Joel (the main character) used an HDD instead of an SSD.
    While there is clearly an optimization issue (same thing with Uncharted port on PC) I'm pretty sure many people don't realize they don't have the adequate build too. I can't say more, I haven't put my hands on this game yet.
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13, thank you, this was very detailed. Though it is sad then, that so many people don't realize they don't have the adequate build if Steam review numbers are to be believed.

    I can't say more, I haven't put my hands on this game yet.

    Are you planning to at all? I was, but now I think I should wait.
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I was planning to, but now I don't know when or even if I will. When I saw that my 3900X and RTX3090 don't even fit for 4K I was doubtful and now with all this "drama" I'm a little bit skeptical. I'll try to get a copy from friends at least for testing before I decide
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 Could this all be a subtle but elaborate plot to make PC gamers give in any buy consoles? 🤔
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Everything is possible but if we dig a little bit we can find that the studio that did the port to PC is Iron Galaxy which also did the port to PC of a certain "Batman: Arkham Knight" one of the worst port to PC of the industry, it was unplayable and that was so bad that the studio was finally forced to suspend sales and also offered refunds for anyone who already purchased the game on PC. Recently, they did the port to PC of "Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection" which was waaaaaay better than "Batman: Arkham Knight" but far from perfect, they eventually managed to fix things. Another studio had some issues with "Horizon : Zero Dawn - Complete Edition" on PC and managed to fix things after some updates. On the other hand, games like "God of War", "Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales", "Sackboy : A Big Adventure" and "Days Gone" (just to mention those) weren't bad at all at launch day.
    I think it really depends on the studio that does the port to PC of the games, which is a shame for a game like "The Last of Us" that was waited by so many people, especially after delaying it to coincide after the end of the HBO's Series
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  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch @GoLLuM13

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    on a serious notes, some studios do awful ports, some do great.

    What some people pointed out, it's odd that Sony hired this studio with bad past reputation for this port rather than the studio they own that's responsible for many decent ports. Oh well.
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  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Why does it feel developers are starting to code games for the high-end gaming market and do not take the average gamer into consideration? If a developer is using a supercomputer to design a program or game it would obviously work at its full potential.

    It really seems they are forcefully pushing gamers to just go out and buy new gear or have both a pc and a console. If one doesn't fit the specifications the other will.

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 Indeed, when so much depends on the studio, I wonder what was the reason to go for a studio with, shall we say, not a spotless performance record. It may have been a "Franklin expedition canned food" situation, that could be an explanation. Or something else.
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    I have a thought 👀 what if Sony is doing awful port to PC, to look bad so the EU, UK and US commissions cancel the Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard-King deal, by saying we're trying to get our games on Windows (owned by Microsoft) but ... put a reason to incriminate Microsoft ... and it's anticompetitive 👀

    - - - Updated - - -
    @DracoTarot while I agree on the idea, it's a little bit more complicated, we got to remember where this game originally came from, the PS5 has a super fast SSD (in addition to a good AMD setup) that gives it the sensation that there is no loading screen between different zones, and the game has the PS5 architecture in its development core. On PC we have super powerful machines, but the SSD part is still at its beginning, yes it's been a while we have SSDs but the DirectStorage API is still new and there are like 2 games or so using it, and to compensate this difference, what is the fastest thing in a PC (faster than an SSD ?) the RAM, this is why you'll see a big amount of RAM recommended in newer games specs (in addition to an SSD) to accelerate the date transfers and have this sensation of freedom without loading screens/logos, clippings ... etc
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