So being from South Africa, I'm used to playing PvP at around 200+ms. Having to play at this ping is quite disadvantageous but we find a way to make it work. Playing a game like valorant however doesn't give us much ability to do that. In a game where every millisecond can make a difference, playing at 200 ping, or even 140 with fiber is extremely difficult. One of the way in which we had a fighting chance was to use spray weapons. But now, the aries has become the new better with its wind up removed and increased fire rate. As much as that's good for us, it's also motivated low ping players to start using the weapon. They already had a huge advantage and now it's even bigger. I feel that the aries should be nerfed back to what it was before.
Any body else feel this way?

@DjYavishD @TheArkGaming #JoinTheArk #ArkLegion

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