Legion Go - Controllers turning off after 10mins

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  • Tensin's Avatar
    Level 3
    Hey there,

    I bought the Legion Go on the very first week after and love this new laptop/handheld/tablet.

    I am following the Space updates and it is nice to see that Space is still developping f.e. Dead Zones are adjustable now.

    I would like to change the detached controllers shutting off time of 10mins in Legion Space. The 10mins are intentional by Lenovo because you can find the information in their manual.

    I preferably would like to change the 10mins to 30mins, 1 hour or even 2 hours.

    The reason why: on a party when playing multiplayer games it can be confusing to others why the other XBox controllers are still turned on while the detached Legion controllers after having a 15mins break are not.

    I would be glad if that could be considered in the next updates!
    Last edited by Tensin; 21-12-23 at 20:43.
  • 4 Replies

  • Lailasama's Avatar
    Level 19
    Unfortunate ,try contact customr support
  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Tensin hello! I am sorry to hear this, I am sure that we have some members who might give you some useful advice, but in the meantime, I would try to contact customer service! I hope they help you out!
  • Tensin's Avatar
    Level 3
    No need to contact customer service - in the manual you can find the information that the detached controllers shut off after 10mins when not using them. That is intentional by Lenovo.

    I thought it would be a good idea to have the possibility to change the 10mins to maybe 30mins, 1 hour or 2 hours.

    That should be just a suggestion for improvement for Legion Space.
  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Tensin it is probably to save the battery! it is good that you have been able to solve!