Lenovo authorized services are not customer friendly?

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  • umutinal07's Avatar
    Level 6
    hi everyone.
    is this subject belong to here or not i dont know, if not please accept my apologies for it.

    i want to talk about my experince with lenovo authorized services in Indonesia. i am living indonesia jakarta and i have legion go for sometimes, today when i want to upgrade ssd i call some tech service whic belong to lenovo itself or directed by lenovo indonesia.here is the issues i had

    1 lenovo indonesia tech support doesnt know what kind of device lenovo legion go.one of them even ask is it headphone. when you are introduce a product to market you should prepare your staff also about it , lack of knowledge only give headache to your customers nothing more.

    2 after dosen of phone call finally i found a service that know what is legion go , but this time they dont have spare part for change ssd to 1 tb and they suggest me to buy it myself. until here let say ok. but after i buy it , they refuse to copy or clone old data from old ssd and forcing me to buy new windows license for new ssd. when i ask why i cant use the windows official license which provide to me with lenovo itself when i buy device, answer was they dont have capability to do this.

    3 last try was reach to offical customer care online and try to explain my problem to them. even in 2024 reaching customer services in indonesia very diffucult dont think it is easy just 2 click. they are hiding like cia special agents for to not thier customer to reach them. anyway i explain issue and ask them how much 1 tb ssd and instalition cost? maybe someone of you will ask why? for easy process like this, i try so hard from official ways , because this is how it should be. if a company provide a device to me they need to give every after sale services and i might reach this service when i stay inside my device warranty.

    so after couple emails , indonesian lenovo premium care staff sent me an email and for 1tb ssd plus instalition cost will be 4.3 million idr + taxes with local currency it is about 302 usd. so what is the problem?
    problem is lenovo legion go official sale price in indonesia with lenovo warranty 868 usd . so basically lenovo itself asking from their customer almost half of device money for just upgrade ssd.

    i dont know in this community anyone from actual lenovo itself , but they must know indonesia lenovo has terrible customer service and they try everything to put their hand in customers pocket. this is giving damage to your company value

    i am even thinking to sell my device and go to another brands which i hope i will get better service after all.

    i will try to mention and explain this case everywhere i can for people to see most of company actually care customer until they sell product after that nothing more
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  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    hey there! I am sorry to hear about this, unfortunately considering you are from Indonesia we are not really able to help you here, I would recommend you look for the forum related to your country, this one here is for MEA. Please check out this link and best of luck, I hope you are able to find a good solution: https://forums.lenovo.com/