Do you play New Game +?

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hopefully EA will consider a remake and maybe team up with another studio.

    Unfortunately, this seems to be unlikely at the moment. @SKYTRiXSHA and I are just talking about EA lay-offs and the news that they cancelled one of the future Star Wars games which is rumoured to be a Mandalorian FPS. Sad.

    But one other thing that came up in that news was that this was a part of the "restructuration effort", and another aspect of that is that will limit the usage of external licenses and focus more on their original and owned intellectual property. So it is unlikely they will team up with anyone unless it is to work on their own franchises. Rumour has it that they will still finish the third Jedi game to complete the trilogy for Star Wars, as well as Black Panther and Iron Man for Marvel, but that's it for now.
  • SKYTRiXSHA's Avatar
    Level 16
    Working with large IP's with multiple partners is very painful, so that can affect to their decision.
    After all, no one wants to see a bad game and the instructions can change every week "do this" "actually do this" "never mind, we were drinking last night and came up with this" "sorry, still change this".

    Then, there were probably tons of limitations "you cant use this this and this" which would have been crucial for the game to look good etc.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @SKYTRiXSHA True, though I expected EA to be more at home with this bureaucracy, given how they license sportsmen for their games, that is a whole different level of legislation nightmare. If they keep doing that, licensing something like SW should be a walk in the park. Then again, I am no expert in how difficult it really is, I am making assumptions based on the rumour that sports clubs that own likeness of their sportsmen are known to be crafty with their licensing.

    And yeah, decisions change all the time, when I was working on CoD WW2, it was happening quite a lot, rather frustrating.
  • SKYTRiXSHA's Avatar
    Level 16
    It's very painful, with huge corporations like EA, there is so much bureaucracy it's even more tough to come up with a great game.
    When there is 2-3week waiting time to get an answer for everything the development process takes ages as well.

    They don't some reason want to make the life easy to work with major movie (etc) titles.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @SKYTRiXSHA Well, most of the time it's not them who are coming up with games, but their subsidiaries. They stick their logo on stuff, but you need to look into who made it to really understand what the game may feel like. These days I associate EA mostly with sports games in my mind, even despite the fact that I was working for them at one time.

    Easy life seems not to be limited to EA or gaming, there are complicated hurdles anywhere you look. Lawyers need work, after all...